
Can The Law Save Us?

Updated: 4 April 2021

Below on this page you find the following chapters
about legal battles against covid politics (update date)
Legal NEWS: Belgium must lift ‘all Covid-19 measures’ within 30 days (4 April)

  1. NEW: General Advice & Help (14 Feb 2021)
  2. Private Criminal Prosecution Against Parliament (19 Mar 2021)
  3. Crimes Against Humanity (1 Dec)
  4. Simon Dolan’s UK legal initiative (11 Dec)
  5. UK ‘Event 202’ based on ‘Common Law’
  6. Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests “Unreliable” & Quarantines “Unlawful” (11 Nov)
  7. Legal action launched over missing three BILLION Tories spent on private Coronavirus contracts (11 Oct)
  8. Emergency Grand Jury for Natural Law (7 Jan 2021)
  9. LIBERTY – a UK Human Rights organisation
  10. Empower Yourself Legally – Common Law (31 Dec)
  11. Magna Carta Introduction (5 Dec)

Legal NEWS:

The Brussels Times reports:

31 March: “The Belgian State has been ordered to lift “all coronavirus measures” within 30 days, as the legal basis for them is insufficient, a Brussels court ruled on Wednesday.
The League for Human Rights had filed the lawsuit several weeks ago and challenged Belgium’s system of implementing the measures using Ministerial Decrees, which means it is done without any input from parliament.
The judge gave the Belgian State 30 days to provide a sound legal basis, or face a penalty of €5,000 per day that this period is exceeded, with a maximum limit of €200,000, reports Le Soir.
The current coronavirus measures are based on the Civil Safety Act of 2007, which enable the State to react quickly in “exceptional circumstances,” but the judge has now ruled that these laws cannot serve as a basis for the Ministerial Decrees.” [read more]

1) General Advice & Help

“Together we stand, divided we fall”:
“We are a group of individuals who are promoting initiatives to serve the people who are being affected by Government, Media and Pharmaceutical corruption. We advocate for anyone who has suffered at the hands of the Government. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about the misinformation in the Mainstream Media and the Government manipulation. No persons private, home or work life should be negatively affected by the Media and Government having their hands in Big Pharma’s pockets.”

website POWER TO THE PEOPLE “Together we stand, divided we fall”

Empowering Small Businesses – (Common, Equity and Trust Law)
with lots of help, info forms, notes to download and zoom networking calls and more.
‘Common Law for Small Businesses’ has been set-up purely to aid those wishing to trade under Common Law as an alternative to the statutory system put in place by the government.”

UK Medical Freedom alliance –
“We are an alliance of UK medical professionals, scientists and lawyers who have found that the Government’s response to COVID-19 is misguided and not based upon the best available scientific evidence. We are campaigning for Medical Freedom, Informed Consent and Bodily Autonomy to be preserved and protected.”
Not-for-Profit Company limited by guarantee – No. 13080501.
Adverse Vaccine Reactions
COVID Vaccine Experience – Survey
Information Leaflets
Other Resources
Open Letters
Vaccine Consent Form
Video Presentations

Compensation From UK Government Due To Covid Restrictions is a Pro Bono global network of advisors and independent lawyers led by Jo Rogers at Navistar Legal.
“Our mission statement is simple: To bring LEGAL JUSTICE to UK citizens for the devastating harm caused by lockdowns to families and businesses.”

Were you, your children, or your business adversely affected by lockdowns, quarantines or forced self-isolation based on PCR testing? You may be eligible for compensation from your government due to covid restrictions.
Please provide a short statement of evidence outlining the harms you suffered using our simple questionnaire.

You will then be contacted regarding next steps in this process.
This service will be free of charge to you, ‘the plaintiff’.”

It is our prediction that this will become
the biggest lawsuit against the government
ever seen in this country.

“This government has been negligent in the use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) tests in response to Covid-19.
Using mass testing to drive lockdowns was an error of huge magnitude.
Quarantining healthy people is unprecedented. Shutting down the economy is unprecedented.
[text above from]

More general Common Law info is in chapter 10 below:
Empower Yourself Legally

2) Private Criminal Prosecution Against Parliament

PCP Papers Laid Alleging Pandemic Fraud Against Hancock, Whitty, Vallance & Ferguson

Posted 19th March 2021 by The Bernician
At 16:23 pm this afternoon, one year after the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens’ decision to reclassify COVID-19 as no longer being considered a High Consequence Infectious Disease was published by Public Health England, the papers were laid electronically at a south London Magistrates Court, in the People’s Union of Britain’s momentous Private Criminal Prosecution against Matt Hancock, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and Neil Ferguson for pandemic fraud.

Early next week, the court will receive a 1,200 page bundle of evidence, which includes expert witness statements from two professors, three doctors, a dental surgeon, a probate solicitor, a mathematician, a retired nuclear submarine data analyst, an independent data analyst and a former CID fraud detective, who is acting as a trustee of the PUB in bringing this most serious of prosecutions to the criminal court.

Declaration Sought

In addition to the charges of fraud by false representation and non-disclosure, in material breaches of sections 2 and 3 of the Fraud Act 2006, we are informally applying for a declaration, under the inherent powers of the court, which states that autopsies are to be carried out for all alleged COVID deaths, which will be held as evidence in the forthcoming trial, on the ground that we have expert witness testimony of the falsification of death certificates, as per UK Government policy.

We are also asking for a moratorium on the UK flu and COVID ‘vaccinations’ programmes to be declared for period of at least 90 days, in order to definitively establish whether it is COVID-19 or ‘vaccines’ that are killing people at a minimum mortality rate of 377 per 100,000 healthy adults, as per the leaked WHO approved ‘vaccine’ safety study which we are adducing into evidence.

Boatload of Prima Facie Evidence

They told us they wanted more prima facie evidence when we made the last application in late 2020, seeking the arrest of Matt Hancock for fraud by non-disclosure over the declassification of COVID-19 by the ACDP.

Well, now they have a veritable boatload of the stuff heading their way, so prepare yourselves for the inevitable shitstorm on the near horizon, after the defendants’ QC’s tell them that their only defence is to plead gross negligence. However, the evidence is so emphatic that they knew exactly what they were doing that the jury will almost certainly convict them as charged.

Nevertheless, don’t expect the defendants to be wheeled off in handcuffs to Belmarsh by tomorrow morning. Whilst it is just about conceivable that the court’s legal department could make an initial assessment of the case by the end of next week, even if it happens that swiftly, the matter will then be passed to the Chief Magistrate of the UK’s legal department, which will probably take at least another week to make their assessment.

Potential Turnaround

In the event all of that is turned around within the next two weeks, the case would then be passed to a senior district judge, who must then decide whether to grant the applications for the summonses and the declaration, whether on paper or at a hearing.

If the summons application is granted, a pleading hearing would then be listed to take place within the next couple of weeks. This would take us to 28 days from now and probably represents the earliest time that the defendants will be summonsed to plead in the Magistrates Court. The informal application for the declaration would also be dealt with at that hearing.

Given the seriousness of the charges and the urgency of the situation, with clear evidence of fraud with murderous consequences already adduced into evidence, we will then ask the court to list a trial by jury at the very earliest opportunity, which will almost certainly take place at the Old Bailey.

If and when all of that transpires rests on the judgment of a single district judge, who will necessarily have experience dealing with such serious charges. However, it is the considered opinion of the former CID fraud detective and the team behind the scenes who have supported me every step of the way that the Statement of Case is “monumental”, “truly historical” and:

“Regardless of the judiciary’s response to it, once the information is in the public realm/consciousness, along with the cited evidence, it will be incendiary. The accused will squeal like the little swines they are.”
[end of update quotes from]

COVID-1984 PCP UPDATE 20 Nov [from Michael O’Bernicia’s Facebook page] After having no red flags raised by the legal advisers at Westminster Magistrates Court this week, we understand that the warrant application is now before the nominated judge and that a decision is imminent.
I realise that things are not happening as quickly as we would all like but please understand that it took six weeks to get to this stage in my family’s PCP against BOS and its receivers in 2013, so in reality the case has progressed at a relatively rapid pace.
We must also take into consideration the fact that, before he rules on the matter, the judge will have to ascertain whether the Director of Public Prosecutions is electing to take over the case, on the ground that it is of such importance that it cannot run as a private prosecution.
Either way, in the absence of a miscarriage of justice, the warrant will be issued and as soon as there are any developments, you will read about them on this page.

UPDATE Friday 13th Nov 6pm [from Michael O’Bernicia’s Facebook page] COVID-1984 NEWSFLASH
The prosecution in People’s Union of Britain v Matt Hancock has just sent the executed form, applying for his arrest warrant, to the court of issue. We have already got the green light from the court’s legal advisers and now we have the chief magistrates’ permission to proceed. They also sent us the form to fill out for the arrest warrant, which has now been acknowledged by the same as having been received. However, the form won’t be processed till Monday [16 Nov.], when it will be sent up to the crown court to be administered and then served upon the defendant, without delay, by the arresting officers, who will soon be appointed by the court.
Therefore, the case will now proceed as directed, unless the Director of Public Prosecutions [DPP] intervenes, which is unlikely because nobody will want to take the poisoned chalice. However, even if they do, we can object on the ground that the DPP is working for the government, so they are obviously conflicted. If they refuse to back down, we will insist that the case proceeds with our legal team. In other words, my family, friends and growing army of peace-keepers and freedom fighters, we are all about to witness the most significant events that have transpired on these shores, since Charles I lost his head.
Words simply cannot adequately express the truly humbling experience of the love, support and commitment I’ve received, from people who all tell me that my words have moved and inspired their hearts into resisting this tyranny, for the sake of our children and grandchildren. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for rising to the call. Very soon, our number will be millions.
This truly is our moment to seize the opportunity to build an advanced civilisation, on the rubble of the corrupted one, which is crumbling around us by COVID-1984 design […]
In that new civilisation, we will protect the unalienable birthrights of the individual from the tyranny of the collective, to become truly self-governed under the Common Law, as expressed in Magna Carta 2020, an idea whose time has come.
From now until you see the arrest live-streamed on the mainstream and alternative media worldwide, let’s make #ArrestMattHancock go viral on every platform, to the point where the People are chanting it in the streets nationwide.

COVID-1984 PCP UPDATE | At 11:11 pm on the 11th day of the 11th month, charges of criminal fraud by non-disclosure were laid against the secretary of state for mandatory vaxxtermination. He has been charged with knowingly failing to disclose to MPs that the fake government lurgy was reclassified as not being a Highly Contagious Infectious Disease, before they voted on the treacherous Coronavirus Act 2020.
Had he done so, there can be no doubt in the mind of any reasonable individual there would have been no possible justification for its enactment. [from Michael O’Bernicia’s Facebook page]

“the case is very simple to understand and prosecute – each MP intentionally relied upon [and then caused the People to rely upon], a series of false statements, which caused the deaths of untold thousands, destroyed the economy and enabled unaccountable and tyrannical government, in breach of section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006, the Treason Felony Act 1348 and articles 1 and 2 of the Bill of Rights 1689.”
“The barrister… is confident that the allegations are founded upon enough evidence to convict and that her partners will be in agreement”

On 15 October we received confirmation that the partners of the firm of barristers we are talking to about the case against Parliament are all in agreement – the case is one that can be won… we are now moving forward into the preparation of the court papers, including an affidavit containing all of the allegations of fraud, treason and genocide. It will be the first time allegations of treason have been made since the aftermath of WWII, whilst genocide is a crime under international law and the such allegations would almost certainly be dealt with in the Hague. … we are aiming to lay the charges in a criminal court as soon as they have been properly drafted.
We will also be seeking an order placing the entire cabinet and their advisers under house arrest, to prevent the rogue government from attempting to murder more people [as well as its opponents, under the new homicide enabling act] with purported statutory impunity.
Here’s a conversation with Mark Devlin Find all Mark Devlin’s work here:
#PrivateCriminalProsecutions #PandemicFraud

The final drafting will be done over the weekend and Monday 8 November has been set aside by our legal team for the information to be laid in a criminal court, with summonses to follow without delay.
In addition, the People will also seek an order placing the accused under indefinite house arrest, to prevent any further government crimes being committed.

3) Crimes Against Humanity

In the video below “Crimes against humanity” from 3 Oct., the German top lawyer Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, who has been practicing law primarily as a trial lawyer against fraudulent corporations such as Deutsche Bank, VW and more corporations in the last 26 years, speaks as one of four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee:
those responsible for it will be criminally prosecuted

NOT on YouTube:
YouTube removed the above original video “Crimes against humanity” after it had over a million views.
Vimeo also removed this video on

the allegedly new and highly dangerous coronavirus has not caused any excess mortality anywhere in the world”
This “Corona Crisis” must be renamed as “corona scandal” and those responsible for it will be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil damages by an international committee of lawyers according to section 7 of the International Criminal Code.

“Is there a Corona pandemic or is there only a PCR test pandemic?”
Do the so-called anti Corona measures, such as the lockdown, mandatory face masks, social distancing and quarantine regulations serve to protect the world’s population from Corona, or do these measures serve only to make people panic so that they believe without asking any questions, that their lives are in danger, so that in the end the pharmaceutical and tech industries can generate huge profits from the sale of PCR tests, antigen and antibody tests and vaccines, as well as the harvesting of our genetic fingerprints?”

“This Corona Investigative Committee was founded on July 10th by four lawyers in order to determine, through hearing expert testimony of international scientists and other experts.
1) how dangerous is the virus, really?
2) what is the significance of a post positive PCR test?
3) what collateral damage has been caused by the Corona measures, both with respect to the world’s population’s health and with respect to the world’s economy?”

Here is a detailed summary of Reiner Fuellmich’s speech:
Coronavirus Fraud Scandal” [by Dr. Mrcola] – and HERE a bullet point summary of this speech [by WorldDoctorsAlliance]

first lawsuit filed against
so-called fact checkers on social media:
German Lawsuit Against “FactCheckers” Would Force Them To Prove Legitimacy of C0VlD Tests –

UPDATE 1st December: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich… founding member of the German Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee [from]
The committee is now filing the first of many lawsuits to come, this one against so-called fact checkers on social media. They opted to file a defamation lawsuit on behalf of Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a former member of the German Congress and the Council of Europe who has been an outspoken critic of PCR testing, as it cannot be used to diagnose infection.”
“Social media companies have labeled Wodarg’s statements as “false,” and by filing a defamation suit, the burden of proof now falls on the fact checkers to prove that they are correct. In other words, to win, the fact checkers must prove that PCR tests diagnose active infection. The scientific evidence proves they don’t, so this case could turn out to be pivotal in the fight against the big tech censorship that keeps the fearmongering alive.”

4) Simon Dolan’s UK legal initiative

Join the Legal Challenge to the UK Govt Lockdown – by Simon Dolan: “We seek an injunction which would immediately halt the Government’s latest lockdown laws. By forcing people to stay at home, and forcing businesses to close, they are, we believe, in contravention of basic Human Rights offered under English Law, that of the right to enjoy your property peacefully.
The lockdown… will lead to far more deaths from suicide, undiagnosed conditions, untreated conditions – indeed far more than would have been potentially saved by the lockdown.

£418,060 pledged of £450,000 stretch target
[17 December] from 14,064 pledges
to take this case through to completion

UPDATE 11 December: This week the Supreme Court has decided to refuse to hear our appeal relating to a Judicial Review into lockdown. 
The Supreme Court decision to refuse to hear an appeal relating to a Judicial Review into lockdown, means that unelected Judges have set a precedent which now makes it  impossible to challenge the Government’s use of the Public Health Act 1984 to trample over Civil Liberties and to emasculate Parliament in the process.

By not allowing the Appeal to go ahead, this puts a protective shield around Ministers and gives them a free run to lock up people in their homes using the Act, without having to worry any more that their actions in using the Act like this are illegal. This is a chilling development which should not be underestimated.

The Government’s ruthless use of the 1984 Act is an effective destruction of democratic process on behalf of the public around the lockdowns we have suffered and any that may happen again in the future. Although lately there has been some pushback from MPs, the decision of the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal gives the Government more power than it should rightfully have.

It threatens even to rip up the rights protected by the Magna Carta – the basic premise of you being free unless it is specifically unlawful has now effectively been changed, meaning that you now have to have the Govt’s permission to do literally anything. This goes against 800+ years of legal principle.

“By criticising us for having a ‘Rolling Judicial Review’ case, it means that when a Government in future uses these emergency powers, provided that they change the regulations every time they are challenged, they can keep avoiding the very mechanism – Judicial Review – that is there to provide a vital check and balance under the UK’s unwritten constitution. It is ironic that in July of this year, the Government launched a wide ranging review into the scope of judicial review chaired by Lord Faulks QC which has yet to publish its recommendations. 

Equally disturbing is how the lockdown Judicial Review cases have found a lack of willingness from the Courts to challenge Government; Judges have said all along “It isn’t the place of the Court to get involved in politics”. They didn’t make that claim when the Brexit case was going.

From the first directions order made in the Judicial Review claim, it was clear that our unelected judges were entirely dismissive of the notion that we should be able to protect rights in the midst of a Pandemic, or that the Government’s actions could in any way be disproportionate or illegal in terms of the real situation being faced.

No one is disputing the impact on public health as a result of the novel Coronavirus, but far more so the Government’s handling of it, however, I do not feel the judges engaged at all with the key points or the 1,200 pages of evidence that was submitted as part of the case. The judgments and judicial comments made throughout are strongly suggestive of an unwillingness to look at the evidence and to depart from a high level “media” view of the pandemic. This suggests the Courts have not taken the opportunity to scrutinise key statistics and facts around the case, effectively waving away vital points around misleading data being used to justify lockdowns and impose further restrictions. 

While scrutinising this type of data was seen as almost being unholy in March, April and May of 2020, this case, the Dodgy Dossier and the recently and very quietly amended ONS stats used to impose Lockdown 2 on the nation, has shown that, as a seemingly democratic society, it is vital that we do scrutinise what we are being told and that we continue to do so. The Government has used data to terrify the nation into compliance over a virus from which, in the words of the Government’s own medical officers, the vast majority people recover from and many do not even show symptoms of having.

I also feel strongly that our case has been treated with a far different approach to the Brexit case brought by Gina Miller, who twice defeated the Government in the Supreme Court, once over the right of MPs in triggering Article 50 and then again over the Prorogation of Parliament – arguably far less significant to the nation than the greatest economic contraction in peacetime history and the unprecedented restriction of rights, including access to healthcare – that we have seen as a result of Government measures.

The Supreme Court route is one we took as we fully believed in the case. It returned its decision in rapid time in an email of just a few lines long. This is a kick in the face for the thousands of people who have supported this case.

It must be accepted that the path to the Supreme Court is notoriously difficult. Of the many applications for permission to the Supreme Court each year, very few are granted. From July to September of this year, there were 21 applications. Five applications granted but three of them were for cases arising from 1971 shootings in N Ireland. Among them, and one of the most recent cases to be given permission to appeal, were the Government’s own appeal against the appeal court’s decision to let ISIS bride Shamina Begum back into the country pending her appeal. The massive health, civil liberties, parliamentary and economic implications of the use of the 1984 Act, was not, however, deemed worthy of consideration by the Court. 

While the Supreme Court decision is a bitter blow, we have scored many victories and helped give a platform to tens of thousands of people who felt their voices were unheard. We forced SAGE to produce its minutes, got the Government to concede it had not lawfully shut schools, and lit the fire on scrutinizing data and information. 

What started for me as a personal crusade against this Government and their shocking ineptitude quickly turned into a campaign for everyone whose lives have been wrecked by lockdown polices which were implemented in haste and without proper consideration.

We started Keep Britain Free to protect the basic freedoms of everyone living in the UK and it has become one of the fastest growing pressure groups in the UK, with thousands of you joining together to fight creeping totalitarianism. Our legal challenge has become one of the biggest crowdfunded legal cases in British history. We have raised over £416,000 from 14,000 pledges – people from all different walks of life from every corner of the UK. This shows the strength of feeling out there for this ongoing battle. 

Whilst the Supreme Court decision is far from the outcome we were fighting for, our campaign has been vital in giving individuals up and down the country hope during an unprecedented time and in challenging a Government that was simply ruling by decree without any scrutiny. We also believe our findings and evidence, while not considered properly by the judges, will be of use in the inevitable public inquires which will follow and will help history judge the PM, Matt Hancock and their advisers in the light that they deserve. 
Our fight continues and as ever, I will keep you posted on developments.

Update 7 December: see HERE
Update 2 December: Full Judgement from Court of Appeal
Update 1 December: see HERE

Update on “Join the Legal Challenge to the UK Govt Lockdown” Simon Dolan, via CrowdJustice 23 Nov:
The legal team has made amends to the 2nd Judicial Review meaning that it’s arguments are in relation not only to the first national lockdown but also include the SECOND lockdown currently taking place in England. The Re-Amended Statement of Facts and Grounds have been filed with the Court and the Government has been served with them.
Our case will argue that the “evidence” presented by Whitty and Vallance at the press conference on 31 October at which the new lockdown was announced included some old, suspect data and was misleading.
We will argue that in fact there was no serious escalation in the epidemic as evidenced by:
– Use of old data and overinflated warnings as to likely deaths – a subject already aired in the media
– The continuing relatively flat excess death figures compared to the five year average for the same period
– The unreliability of PCR tests as a diagnostic tool given their propensity to produce large numbers of “false” positives by picking up dead virus particles in people who have long since recovered from infection
– Lack of transparency about NHS capacity and bed occupancy and in relation to typical conditions at this time of year in previous years with the onset of the usual autumn/ winter upsurge in respiratory infections

That being the case, imposing a lockdown with all the disastrous consequences it has for health, economy etc was disproportionate and irrational.
It is only right that the consequences of both lockdowns imposed on the nation are properly considered by the Court. The most recent measures were pitched to England on the promise that come December 2nd, restrictions would be lifted and people up and down the nation could enjoy Christmas festivities.
Reports suggest that the UK could be plunged into yet more restrictions under the guise of a strengthened tiered approach with SAGE also suggesting further lockdowns will be needed to ‘recover’ from eased restrictions.
What has become evident from the first and second lockdown is that this cycle is not sustainable. Whatever economic measures and packages the Government dangles in front of us, millions are likely to lose their jobs and businesses will be forced to close down.
This flip-flop approach to lockdown, paired with the complete farce that is Test and Trace, is bringing chaos to every echelon of society. Businesses, already up against the wall, are facing another period of unsettling uncertainty. The unemployment rate continues to surge. School attendance is in chaos and with exams already cancelled for thousands, another generation is at risk of being ruined.
Lockdowns cost lives and cannot be allowed to continue.

Update on “Join the Legal Challenge to the UK Govt Lockdownby Simon Dolan from 3 November:
dear supporter,
I wanted to update you on our appeal, which was heard at one of the highest courts in the land last Thursday and Friday.
The hearing took place in the very grand Court 4 at the Royal Courts of Justice which is the Lord Chief Justice’s Court.
The three appeal judges included the Lord Chief Justice himself, Lord Burnett of Maldon and two other appeal judges Lady Justice King and Lord Justice Singh. It was a ‘hybrid hearing’ which meant that the hearing physically took place in a courtroom but it was also being live streamed for people to watch. I was pleased to see some supporters in court – thanks for coming down.

Once again it was Philip Havers QC putting forward our side of the argument, supported by junior barrister Francis Hoar.
Sir James Eadie QC was representing the government (with three other barristers at his side, handing him notes and working on their case.

The whole of the first day and the morning of the second were taken up with Philip Havers presenting our case. His main argument was that the lockdown legislation was ‘ultra vires’ or outside the scope of the 1984 Public Health Act which was used to bring them in. In other words the lockdown was illegal.

He also argued that our case was not ‘academic’. When our judicial review into the lockdown was refused in July one of the reasons given was that the case was no longer valid because the lockdown regulations had been revised numerous times (and are being reimposed as we speak). However, we say that the legal challenge is absolutely vital and necessary to stop the government doing the same thing again.

Philip also explained why we believe the regulations contravened people’s human rights which are enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights and that they were a ‘disproportionate breach’ of those rights. He told the court the lockdown regulations ‘imposed far-reaching restrictions on the lives and businesses of the entire population of England’.

Philip said: “If the court subjects these regulations to judicial scrutiny and if the government is considering a second lockdown, the government, together with parliament and the public, will have available to them what this court has to say about the proportionality of the original lockdown.”

Philip argued that the original lockdown regulations were subjected to ‘no judicial scrutiny at all.’ He said: “Over five weeks elapsed between the making of the original regulations on March 26 and being approved by affirmative resolution by the House of Commons… seven weeks with both houses. These regulations were made without any parliamentary scrutiny at all and only debated weeks later.” He said the 1984 Public Health Act did not allow for ‘house arrest on the whole population.’

My QC then directed his aim at the five tests the government relied on to consider an easing of the lockdown, arguing that these had to be satisfied regardless of the damage or harm being caused to other illnesses and jobs and so on. He told the hearing the five tests did not take into account ‘domestic violence, cancer, disease – the consequences for all those who suffer from other illnesses’. He said: “Less restrictive measures could have been adopted without causing disproportionate harm.”

The debate moved on to deaths from Covid-19. Mr Havers said: “The chance of children, mercifully, or adults under 20 dying from Covid-19 who didn’t have a pre-existing condition was and still is vanishingly small and the chance of an adult under the age of 60 dying was and still is also extremely small….To continue to keep the whole population under house arrest…to continue to ban all gatherings and so on was irrational when a more targeted approach could have been achieved.”

Lord Justice Singh asked if protecting the NHS was a good enough reason to impose the restrictions. Philip responded: “There were well over 3000 spare capacity beds… there was no realistic prospect of the NHS being overwhelmed.”

The justices then questioned whether our legal challenge was too general. They also probed into whether the legislation’s ‘reasonable excuse’ caveat meant it did not violate human rights. In other words, they were suggesting there were get-outs for people who could breach the regulations and then cite human rights law to justify why they had gone to see their grandma ? This felt like a controversial point to me. Is it realistic that the average person would think to quote human rights law to a policeman?

On the second day, Mr Havers argued the closure of schools was disproportionate. He said: “All schoolchildren with no pre-existing conditions could readily have gone back to school by July 2 and we say should arguably have gone back to school by then.”

Lord Chief Justice asked: “So you are saying because the data was showing the risks were low therefore the government should have persuaded reluctant people to restore the status quo to do so?” Philip replied: “Given the enormous harm being done to the education of every schoolchild in the country my answer is ‘yes’.”

Sir James Eadie took to his feet on the second day to put the government’s case. He said: “The structure and nature of restrictions has changed pretty fundamentally over time, reflecting the scientific understanding. The various judgements that have to be made over time and the balance governments have to strike… to keep the economy maximally open as humanly possible against the resurgence of the violence and the risk it creates.” Sir James also denied claims the coronavirus restrictions were improperly implemented.

Philip said the 1984 Public Health Act used to order the lockdown only applied to individuals and should not have been used ‘to keep everyone ‘under house arrest.’ He suggested the Government should have used the 2004 Civil Contingencies Act instead.

The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Justice Singh and Lady Justice King are now considering their judgement which could be issued any day now.
Depending on their verdict, we will have to consider our next step. It may be that we have to challenge their ruling in the Supreme Court. One thing remains certain – we will not be giving up. What’s also clear, is that this case is momentous, having brought into question significant elements of our legal system as well as the powers of our ministers.
In the meantime, we must continue to gather as much support as we can.
Please continue to spread our message, by sharing our updates, our cause and the link to this Crowdjustice fund.
Together, we will Keep Britain Free.

UPDATE 20 Oct: Sir Lindsay Hoyle has applied to intervene in a legal fight brought by Simon Dolan and Cripps Barn Group against the Government’s lockdown restrictions. Hoyle, the Speaker of the House of Commons says he will intervene in the case because it raises issues of ‘constitutional importance’.
By 21 Oct £372,920 (of £425,000) are pledged.

5) UK ‘Event 202’ based on ‘Common Law’

Tuesdays 20 Oct, 27 Oct & 3 Nov. 2020 at 2pm,
legal notices will be handed in at UK constabularies:
Presentation To 40 Chief Constables, Local Witnesses and Video (Project “Elephant”)
“For it is the police who are called upon to uphold law and order and apprehend those guilty of criminality.”
“It is not sustainable that a few corporations and government both enforce policies that purport to deny human rights and seek to coerce the common man by creating and applying overreaching ‘rules’ restricting the same man’s ability to lawfully and freely go about his daily business..”
“No man/woman (neither monarch, nor prime minister, nor any prelate, politician, judge or public servant) is above the common laws and customs of the English constitution.”
“…Magna Carta 1215 has NOT been repealed nor annulled, despite what the imposters within Westminster may say…”
Four people share their work in Common Law: “serving The Servants – A Call to Action” and explain the procedures for the three Tuesdays.
Addresses of 48 UK constabularies:

6) Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests “Unreliable” & Quarantines “Unlawful”

11 November: “An appeals court in Portugal has ruled that the PCR process is not a reliable test for Sars-Cov-2, and therefore any enforced quarantine based on those test results is unlawful.
Further, the ruling suggested that any forced quarantine applied to healthy people could be a violation of their fundamental right to liberty.
“Most importantly, the judges ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection.”
“The ruling goes on to conclude that, based on the science they read, any PCR test using over 25 cycles is totally unreliable.”

The UK seems to use 40 amplifications [see the PCR Test chapter]

7) Legal action launched over missing three BILLION Tories spent on private Coronavirus contracts

“Three cross-party MPs and the Good Law Project, a non-profit-making organisation, have launched legal action against the Government over its failure to disclose details of its spending on contracts related to the pandemic.”
“Green MP Caroline Lucas, Labour’s Debbie Abrahams and Liberal Democrat MP Layla Moran have filed a judicial review against the Government for breaching the law and its own guidance and argue that there are mounting concerns over the Government’s coronavirus procurement processes.”
at least £11 billion worth of contracts have been awarded by the department since April, related predominantly to coronavirus, new analysis by Tussell shows that over £3 billion worth of these contracts have not been made public.”
Jolyon Maugham QC, director of Good Law Project said:
“Huge sums of public money have been awarded to companies with no discernible expertise. Sometimes the main qualification seems to be a political connection with key Government figures. And I have seen evidence that Government is sometimes paying more to buy the same product from those with political connections.” [London Economic, 11 October]

8) Emergency Grand Jury for Natural Law

Greetings Everyone, we have formed an Emergency Grand Jury for Natural Law from Public Health & Justice along with 32 Judges from around the world who are experts & together we have launched an International Tribunal for Emergency Injunctions & we have served Indictments for Crimes Against Humanity To Ban:
1) Forced Vaccinations,
2) Unlawful Lockdowns
3) The Criminal Misuse
4) Fraudulent Tests on Healthy People
5) The Criminal misuse of 5G Technologies
6) Economic Terrorism
7) Forcing people into poverty.

Please find links of our Global Indictments here:

As many of you may already know, rogue highly corrupt usurpers who have now taken over all our public offices, departments & positions of power are misusing COVID 19 as an excuse to strip ‘We The People’ of our God given inalienable Rights & Freedoms.

The are grossly abusing the powers given to them by ‘We The People’

Those in positions of Government & Mainstream Media are Acting as a Corrupt Corporations to facilitate their own special interests & no longer honoring the Will of ‘We The People’

In Law this is an ABUSE OF POWER called a Breach of ULTRA VIRES LAWS meaning ‘They have gone BEYOND THE SCOPE OF POWERS’ That ‘We The People’ have given them.

We have arrived at a extremely dangerous situation whereby they are now acting criminally & are planning to roll out FORCED mass vaccinations upon HEALTHY PEOPLE in the UK and worldwide which they are FULLY AWARE are likely to at worst KILL healthy people, or at best likely to PARALYSE MILLIONS /BILLIONS entirely on the basis FALSE science & data.

The company behind the vaccines called Pfizer were already sued by Nigeria in 2013, for harming countless Nigerian victims with their contaminated Testing Kits & now this very same company, (who should have been shut down years ago) are seeking to do the same thing again by administering unsafe deadly vaccines in the UK & all around the rest of the world. They MUST be immediately STOPPED! But we need unified MASS ACTION TO BE SUCCESSFUL.

In addition, there is evidence that 490.000 children were paralyzed in India by Bill Gates’s vaccines but again, instead of this man being arrested & stopped from causing further harm, on the 10th of November 2020 we are told that Boris Johnson had a meeting with Gates to roll out these same lethal unregistered unlicensed UNLAWFUL Deadly vaccines & force them upon the British public in the coming next 10 days.

1) REPORTING ON OUR INDICTMENT NEWS (make videos on your phones if possible)
3) Join the hashtag campaign by tweeting


If you do not have a social media page or platform, START ONE TO HELP GET THE INDICTMENTS NEWS OUT!

You can also visit – FaceBook / Seven Starseed
Thank You

“No one should be above the law, especially those in power”

9) LIBERTY – a UK Human Rights organisation

“Liberty is an independent membership organisation. We challenge injustice, defend freedom and campaign to make sure everyone in the UK is treated fairly.
We are campaigners, lawyers and policy experts who work together to protect rights and hold the powerful to account.
Together we’ve been making the UK a fairer, more equal place since 1934.”

JUDICIAL REVIEW: “No one should be above the law, especially those in power”

“Ramping up heavy-handed enforcement of rules will do more harm than good”
“Hiring undercover officers to spy on people is an insult to the efforts communities across the country have made to look after and protect each other during the pandemic.”

More and more doctors, scientists and medical professionals are speaking out – see Critical Voices below..

10) Empower Yourself Legally

updated 31 December 2020

Learn the BASICS of Common Law, what to say and do – and what not. The Truth will set you free. Knowledge is power.
Once you see through the system, you can laugh about it – a very health boosting way to overcome fear.
Here is a 1/2 hour short recommended introduction:

“Empowering yourself during covid” – half an hour video about the basics of Common Law (Law of the Land) and Admiral Law (Law of the Sea)
Highly recommended if you are fearful of authorities and officials

Below is another documentation in text and graphics:

If you want to dig deeper into the legal framework the United Kingdom is based on, you will discover, that nearly all institutions are corporations (for profit), and how the ‘legalese’ language is (ab)used. Watch this 52 minute lecture:
“John Harris – ‘It’s an illusion’ talk at Stoke”:

11) Law Of The Land: Magna Carta

In case you are interested, below is some introductory information about the Magna Carta. The following paragraphs are from The Great Reset:
The 1215 Magna Carta was a treaty between the Barons and the King. It was subsequently re-issued into Statute law in 1297 by King Edward I, proclaiming in the introductory text, which remains the law of the land, that:

“these Liberties following, to be kept in our Kingdom of England for ever.”

And in Article 1 that “We have granted also, and given to all the Freemen of our Realm, for Us and our Heirs for ever, these Liberties under-written, to have and to hold to them and their Heirs, of Us and our Heirs for ever.”

Magna Carta (1297) Article 29 (XXIX) “Imprisonment, &c. contrary to Law. Administration of Justice.” states that: “NO Freeman shall be taken or imprisoned, or be disseised of his Freehold, or Liberties, or free Customs, or be outlawed, or exiled, or any other wise destroyed; nor will We not pass upon him, nor deal with him [condemn him,] but by lawful judgment of his Peers, or by the Law of the Land. We will sell to no man, we will not deny or defer to any man either Justice or Right.”

Article 29 of the Magna Carta (1297) remains the law of the land in the United Kingdom and Crown Dependencies and its principles remain the foundation of all common law countries. It was confirmed to be retained in the Republic of Ireland by the Statute Revision Act (2007) and the whole of Ireland also has its own Magna Carta Hiberniae (1216). It arguably remains law in Canada and Australia and remains on the statute book in New Zealand. The United States Constitution is in compliance with Chapter 29 of the Magna Carta.

The English Bill of Rights goes further, making it unconstitutional for the UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand to be ruled by a foreign power, which places a cloud over the UK’s previous membership of the European Union, it states:

“I doe declare That noe Forreigne Prince Person Prelate, State or Potentate hath or ought to have any Jurisdiction Power Superiority Preeminence or Authoritie Ecclesiasticall or Spirituall within this Realme Soe helpe me God.”

“England appears to be the rock on which the revolutionary waves split and disperse and which starves the coming society even in the womb.” Karl Marx, (Cologne, December 31, 1848)

the Liberty of Subjects Act (1354) and Observance of Due Process Act (1368) signed into law by King Edward III, both of which remain law in the UK today. They further reinforce protection of general liberties and due process. In particular, and relevant to Article 29 of the UN Declaration and all UN treaties that pretend to be able to suspend liberty and due process, the 1368 Observance of Due Process Act made Constitutional the ancient Saxon custom, that:

“if any Thing from henceforth be done to the contrary (of due process of law), it shall be void in the Law, and holden for Error”.

Previous Articles on

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Open Letter To Your Council

We need to focus on the immune system in the next virus season updated

We’ve Got It All Wrong Fighting The Virus updated

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Evidence That Coronavirus Lockdown Was Not Necessary?

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Did We Get It All Wrong Fighting The Virus?

last updated: 27 May 2021

We focussed too much on the novel coronavirus
and lost sight of everything else.
Being obsessed about avoiding death,
we lose our lives

“In the last year I have realized that my government and its advisers are lying in the faces of the British people about everything to do with this coronavirus. Absolutely everything.” [Dr Mike Yeadon, 11 Apr 2021]

SARS-COV-2 is a virus many of us carry without any symptoms.
Covid-19 is a respiratory disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus
the problem was NOT the coronavirus,
but a human immune system not functioning properly

Content on this page below:
Legal UpdatesWhy did we want to stop the virus?Coronaviruses are seasonalDeadly ventilatorsLockdown LonelinessLockdown Deaths“False Alarm” (German Interior Ministry Report)PCR TestsR NumberFacemasksContact Track & TraceSaving the NHS?Media and biasThe Spanish FluPolitics of FearHydroxychloroquine Study to failChildren and covid-19Covid-19 deaths and statisticsPreventing infections?What about the Vaccine?Pandemic reactions out of proportionBrave New Normal?Learning from health history?The Emperor’s New ClothesHow did we get into all this?Independent CriticsWhat Can I do?LINKS

This legal chapter is now a separate article:

Can The Law Save Us From Covid Politics?
with the following chapters:

  1. General Advice & Help (25 Jan)
  2. Private Criminal Prosecution Against Parliament (20 Nov)
  3. Crimes Against Humanity (1 Dec)
  4. Simon Dolan’s UK legal initiative (11 Dec)
  5. UK ‘Event 202’ based on ‘Common Law’
  6. Portuguese Court Rules PCR Tests “Unreliable” & Quarantines “Unlawful” (11 Nov)
  7. Legal action launched over missing three BILLION Tories spent on private Coronavirus contracts (11 Oct)
  8. Emergency Grand Jury for Natural Law (7 Jan 2021)
  9. LIBERTY – a UK Human Rights organisation
  10. Empower Yourself Legally – Common Law (31 Dec)
  11. Magna Carta Introduction (5 Dec)
NOT on YouTube:
BREAKING: German Lawsuit Against “FactCheckers” Would Force Them To Prove Legitimacy of C0VlD Tests –

Can The Law Save Us From Covid Politics?

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

Why Did We Think We Need To Stop The Virus? updated: 4 April 2021

According to the latest immunological studies, the overall lethality of Covid-19 (IFR) is about 0.1% to 0.3% and thus in the range of a severe influenza (flu). In most places, the risk of death for the general population of school and working age is in the range of a daily car ride to work.
Up to 80% of all test-positive persons remain symptom-free.
Even among 70-79 year olds, about 60% remain symptom-free.
About 95% of all people develop at most moderate symptoms.

UK summary R number, covid positive tests, deaths, hospitalisations and PCR testing on 3 April 2021: EVERYTHING is going down and clearly past the peak.
Screenshot from

UK 25 March 2021: The “R” number is BELOW 1 – still falling.
Positive pcr test results: 0.3% of all tests
Daily deaths (WITH & after covid): DOWN 30%. The curve is CLEARLY past the peak.
Patients admitted: DOWN 20%, curve is CLEARLY past the peak.
EVERYTHING is clear, no virus threat any more –
only the virus testing went mad: 1.8 mio tests a day.

The Mail Online published statistics and facts on 20 November (updated 23 Nov) CLEARLY showing that there is nothing to justify a lockdown.
Here is a critical analysis by Ivor Cummins, showing how the government advisers
got their predictions massively wrong again in Oct. 2020:
this screenshot (from the video above) shows how far from reality the “scare” modelling predictions have been, which were used to convince the UK government to vote for a second lockdon in 2020

All infectious diseases in 2020 have SIGNIFICANTLY DECREASED
in the UK (see chapter Covid deaths & Statistics below)

COVID-19 Study of Almost Ten Million Finds No Evidence of Asymptomatic Spread” [20 December]
Not a single transmission of Coronavirus from a person without symptoms. The research paper also indicates that “virulence of SARS-CoV-2 virus may be weakening over time“.
“If asymptomatic transmission is not happening,… then all of the current lock-down regulations, mask wearing requirements and social distancing rules/decrees are based on a complete fallacy of false assumptions.”

Covid infection shown to provide as much immunity as vaccines [Financial Times, 14 January 2021]
People who have already contracted coronavirus are as protected against reinfection as those who have received the best Covid-19 vaccines, according to a survey of 20,000 UK healthcare workers, the largest study in the world so far. Public Health England regularly tested two matched groups of volunteers between June and November — 6,000 health workers who had previously been infected with coronavirus and 14,000 who had not.
A comparison of infections in the two groups, described in preliminary results released on Thursday, found that prior infection provided at least 83 per cent protection against reinfection. It gave better than 94 per cent protection against symptomatic Covid-19, matching the figures for the most effective Covid-19 vaccines.
Natural infection looks as good as a vaccine, which is very good news for the population” Susan Hopkins, PHE senior medical adviser said.
People who had recovered from Covid-19 were less likely to transmit the virus to others unknowingly, because natural infection appeared to provide about 75 per cent protection against asymptomatic reinfection.
Eleanor Riley, professor of virology at the University of Edinburgh, said: “If you believe you already had the disease and are protected, you can be reassured it is highly unlikely you will develop severe infection”

Fully referenced Facts about Covid-19 in 25 languages, provided by experts in the field, to help make a realistic risk assessment (with regular updates)

Dr. Mike Yeadon wrote “What SAGE Got Wrong” [21 October]

diagram from Lockdownsceptics article What SAGE got wrong

Dr. Tom Cowan discovered an astonishing research article by the CDC by a group of about 20 virologists from June 2020. He published his analysis of this article on on 15 October:
“the virologists found that solutions containing SARS-CoV-2 — even in high amounts — were NOT infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested. In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this “new coronavirus” is not infectious to human beings.”
“These virologists, published by the CDC, performed a clear proof, on their terms, showing that the SARS-CoV- 2 virus is harmless to human beings. That is the only possible conclusion, but, unfortunately, this result is not even mentioned in their conclusion.

20 virologists find that the SARS-CoV- 2 virus
is harmless to human beings [more above]

Humans have evolved with viruses and we have more viruses in us than body cells. The dance between our immune system and the virus usually ends with our immune system learning a new skill, getting more resilient and long term protection – and the virus is retreating and mutating.
Farr’s Law of Epidemics states that epidemics tend to rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern or bell-shaped curve.
“Expansion begins exponentially but fades quickly after about eight weeks,” Professor Yitzhak Ben Israel

Sweden model versus reality
Wrong scary predictions by the Imperial College London versus reality.
Sweden fared well without locking down.

Prof. Ferguson predicted 8 million in hospital and 500 000 deaths for the UK due to coronavirus. Why did our government trust that scientist who used his 13 year old catastrophic model again, which paved the way to the Coronavirus Bill and the 2020 lockdown?

Here is a very good video, explaininng Science, Logic and Data from September 2020.

Prof. Neil Ferguson,
Imperial College London

Neil Ferguson, mathematical biology professor at Imperial College London, has a track record of wrong pred. ictions. His 2001 model of mad cow disease predicted fatalities up to 150,000 deaths in England, when in fact only 177 people died until 2020 1, but 6 million cows and sheep were culled.

2005 he said: up to 200 million people could be killed by the bird flu Reality check: less than 200 died.

Dr. Paul Offit, one of the leading proponents of vaccination (the man who infamously stated that babies can safely receive 100,000 vaccines at once) posted a statement on his Facebook page regarding this matter.
His message is calm, rational, and reasonable:
Which will do more harm, the virus or the fear of the virus? Why are we so scared of the novel coronavirus, COVID-19? People are usually scared of viruses for three reasons:
One: the virus causes gruesome, disfiguring, permanent symptoms. Smallpox, for example, not only caused life-long facial scarring, it also was a frequent cause of blindness in those who survived.
Two: the virus has a predilection for children. Polio paralyzed tens of thousands of young children every year until a vaccine finally eliminated the disease from the United States.
Three: the virus is likely to kill you. Rabies kills virtually 100 percent of people who develop symptoms after a bite from a rabid animal.
The novel coronavirus currently circulating in the United States–the one that has caused us to shut down schools, restaurants, sporting events, and virtually every aspect of our culture–falls into none of these categories.

The WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE wrote an “Open letter to governments and citizens of the world” with regularly updated information and a coherent summing up of the covid situation. 

Link to this chapter above ‘Why did we think we need to stop this virus?’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

Coronaviruses Are Seasonal
updated 14 March 2021

Good News: the covid-19 epidemic is OVER! As every winter and as predicted by independent science, the winter peak of deaths and cases is CLEARLY over. So WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?

positive test cases UK March 2020 - March 2021
UK positive pcr test results (“cases“) show the winter peak is OVER. []

Keep in mind, the diagrams above and below are based on the controversial PCR test and include an unknown amount of false positives.
The UK deaths below include all deaths within 28 days of a positive pcr test result, regardless of the cause of death.
None of these diagrams show covid-19 infections.

covid deaths UK March 2020 to March 2021
UK deaths within 28 days of a positive pcr test result show the winter peak is OVER. []

Coronaviruses are seasonal just like the flu, peaking January to March in the northern hemisphere [see “Human coronavirus circulation in the United States 2014-2017” and the Glasgow study 2005-2013.
Viruses stay a few weeks before they mutate and disappear and natural herd immunity is achieved.
Covid-19 may be new, but it is still part of the coronavirus family.

4 human coronaviruses over 4 years in 4 US locations
from “Human coronavirus circulation in the United States 2014-2017

So you can relax and stop worrying: coronaviruses are not more dangerous than the flu: the infection rate and mortality are about the same or less. And by now we know how to treat coronavirus.
Here is a good video, explaininng Science, Logic and Data.

Coronaviruses mutate fast. SARS-CoV-2 lineages tracing in over 80 countries shows, that after six months the original Wuhan virus has mutated into 100 lines and gets less virulent. According to Johannes Kreis, the original virus has disappeared by now.

Different seasons for different viruses – see table on the right.
Seasonal variations in frequency of selected upper respiratory tract infection pathogens.
PIV = parainfluenza virus; RSV = respiratory syncytial virus; MPV = metapneumovirus; Group A Strept = group A streptococcus.

Another study in Glasgow / UK over a period of nine years found a similar pattern of coronaviruses peaking from January to March

“We analyzed diagnostic data from 44,230 cases of respiratory illness that were tested for 11 taxonomically broad groups of respiratory viruses over 9 y… including CoV = human coronaviruses (229E, NL63, HKU1)”

The three known groups of coronavirus are associated with a variety of diseases of humans and domestic animals (for example, cattle, pigs, cats, dogs, rodents, and birds), including gastroenteritis and upper and lower respiratory tract disease. Known coronaviruses include human Coronavirus 229E (HCoV-229E), canine coronavirus (CCoV), feline infectious peritonitis virus (FIPV), porcine transmissible gastroenteritis virus (TGEV), porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV), human coronavirus OC43 (HCoV-OC43), bovine coronavirus (BCoV), porcine hemagglutinating encephalomyelitis virus (HEV), rat sialodacryoadenitis virus (SDAV), mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), turkey coronavirus (TCoV), and avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV-Avian)
[source: Coronavirus isolated from humans, US patent May 2007]

Link to this chapter above ‘Coronaviruses Are Seasonal’

Top of page “Content <=> “end of article”

Ventilators: Wrong and Deadly?

Did we need more ventilators to treat covid patients?
The UK government was repeating the slogan “we need more ventilators!” and rush-ordered them. The medical and research community should have known what was killing people with SARS in 2003. It wasn’t viral pneumonia. It was their own immune systems in overdrive in a so-called “cytokine storm” that can be more deadly than the virus itself. [source ]

A study published in JAMA April 22 describing the outcomes for 5,700 patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in the New York City area reported:

Mortality rates for those who received mechanical ventilation
in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups were 76.4% and 97.2%, respectively.
Mortality rates for those in the 18-to-65 and older-than-65 age groups who did not receive mechanical ventilation were 19.8% and 26.6%, respectively. There were no deaths in the younger-than-18 age group.”

Mortality rate for those who received mechanical ventilation in the older-than-65 age group was 97.2%”
For those NOT receiving mechanical ventilation: 26.6%
Covid patients are four times more likely to
SURVIVE WITHOUT a ventilator

The cytokine storm needs to be addressed. Not the virus.
Yet all the focus was on anti-viral medications that would do nothing to address the immune system dysfunction.
Neither the “Health” Ministry, not the media were telling the public anything about the immune system – it was all about “the virus” and “there is no treatment” and “only a vaccine can help”; none of this is true.

By March 2020, we had evidence, that high doses of Vitamin C could help coronavirus patients in Wuhan and Shanghai [see also and HERE

Link to this chapter above: ‘Ventilators: wrong and deadly’

Top of page “Content <=> “end of article”

Lockdown Loneliness & Isolation
updated 19 January 2021

“Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or other physical impairment” [WHO constitution, 1948]

“Social relationships, or the relative lack thereof, constitute a major risk factor for health—rivaling the effect of well established health risk factors such as cigarette smoking, blood pressure, blood lipids, obesity and physical activity”
“social relationships influence the health outcomes of adults and should take social relationships as seriously as other risk factors that affect mortality, the researchers conclude.”
[Social Relationships and Mortality Risk: A Meta-analytic Review]

There is robust evidence that social isolation and loneliness significantly increase risk for premature mortality, and the magnitude of the risk exceeds that of many leading health indicators,”
“Loneliness and social isolation are twice as harmful to physical and mental health as obesity”

Loneliness contributes to higher rates of heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes, infection, anxiety, depression, insomnia, addiction and suicide.
Isolating old people from their friends, families, children and grand children is heartless and cruel. No soldier in combat will be left alone to die by his comrades – but we let our old people die without their loved ones around.

Anxiety from reactions to COVID-19 will destroy at least seven times more years of life than can be saved by lockdowns.
The study, conducted by Just Facts, computed based on a broad array of scientific data that stress is one of the deadliest health hazards in the world, and stay-at-home orders, business shutdowns, media frenzy, as well as legitimate concerns about the virus can ultimately cost more lives than lockdowns can save.
“By choosing to lockdown, policymakers are choosing the greater of two evils, not the lesser.”

The result: two weeks after lockdown and “stay at home” orders,
the non-covid deaths at home have increased significantly

“Frequent in-person connections were associated with lower depression and loneliness; frequent remote connections were not. Conclusions: Depression and loneliness were elevated during the early US COVID-19 response. Those who maintained frequent in-person, but not remote, social and sexual connections had better mental health outcomes.” [US lockdown study April 2020]

Study “Social regulation of gene expression in human leukocytes“These data provide the first indication that human genome-wide transcriptional activity is altered in association with a social epidemiological risk factor.
Impaired transcription of glucocorticoid response genes and increased activity of pro-inflammatory transcription control pathways provide a functional genomic explanation for elevated risk of inflammatory disease in individuals who experience chronically high levels of subjective social isolation.”
“High subjective social isolation is associated with a statistically significant net reduction in the number of expressed genes (131 down-regulated versus 78 up-regulated, p value by exact binomial test).”

Lockdown prevents the development
of population immunity, prolonging the problem.
It is a rigid overreaction of the political system,
just like the cytokine storm of the immune system.

Report 10 Sept: COVID-19 Pandemic Has Decimated Mental Health
53% of American adults said their mental health “has been negatively impacted due to worry and stress over the coronavirus”
40.9% of respondents reported anxiety, depression or symptoms of trauma- and stressor-related disorder relating to the pandemic.
36% report having trouble sleeping, 32% have trouble eating, 12% report increased alcohol consumption and/or substance use and 12% report worsening of chronic health conditions due to worry and stress.
13.3% of American adults reported new or increased substance use as a way to manage stress, and 10.7% of adults said they’d seriously contemplated suicide in the past 30 days.
Unpaid caregivers for adults had the highest rate of suicidal ideation at 30.7%, followed by young adults, age 18 to 24 (25.5%) and essential workers (21.7%)
Those faring the worst are people sheltering in place, 47% of whom report negative health effects, compared to 37% of those not sheltering in place.
“More than 1 in 3 adults in the U.S. have reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder during the pandemic (weekly average for May: 34.5%; weekly average for June: 36.5%; weekly average for July: 40.1%).” For comparison, from January to June 2019, the rate of anxiety or depressive disorder was 11%.
The week of April 20, which, looking back, coincided with the peak of COVID-19 deaths in the U.S., suicides exceeded COVID-19 deaths in Tennessee.

A new peer reviewed study by Stanford researchers has found that mandatory lockdowns do not provide more benefits to stopping the spread of COVID-19 than voluntary measures such as social distancing.
The study compared countries that had imposed mandatory lockdowns, such as England, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and the U.S., to those that had relied on the public to follow voluntary measures, such as Sweden and South Korea. The authors insisted that stay at home orders and business closures had no additional impacting on lowering the spread of the virus. [article source]

Staying at home, using zoom and ordering on-line orders is an unhealthy form of torture
These government instructions led to an increase of time spent in front of computer and TV screens, including for children. This has a negative effect on healthy sleep, eye sight and healthy child development.
The increased exposure to mass media manipulation increases fear and stress, reduces creativity and phantasy, resulting in apathy.
“no hope, no future” – passive giving up people feeling victimised…
We are coaxed to turn into “zoombies”.

On top of the negative screen impact on health, this cyber time is lost for a REAL experience of nature and other people.
On-line shopping has skyrocket, and amazon and other big tax dodging companies’ make enormous profits – while the local High Streets and small business are facing a financial abyss.

The BBC launched the Loneliness Experiment on Valentine’s Day 2018 with 55,000 people from around the world completing the survey.

Find ‘Health Studies’ on ‘Collateral Global’ global repository for research into collateral effects of the covid-19 lockdown measures

Link to this chapter abovee ‘Lockdown Isolation & Loneliness’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

Lockdown Deaths

The lockdown was imposed to save lives dying from covid-19 when the virus was already retreating.and the alleged infection rates were already dropping.

Suicides due to lockdown loneliness are mentioned in the chapter ‘Lockdown Isolation & Loneliness’ above.
The majority of “covid deaths” were actually “lockdown deaths”
a shocking analysis Lockdown Deaths, Not Covid Deaths by the UK Column revealed on 14 July.

The UK’s largest domestic abuse charity, Refuge, has reported a 700% increase in calls to its helpline in a single day

Bypassers prevented this man from jumping off a bridge to his death by holding and hugging him.

“government actions such as border closures, full lockdowns, and a high rate of COVID-19 testing were not associated with statistically significant reductions in the number of critical cases or overall mortality.”
[A country level analysis , published in The Lancet on 21 July]

“The lockdown regime was detrimental to the health of the very demographic it was supposedly designed to ‘keep safe.”
Whether by design or criminal neglect, lockdown policy has actively targeted the most vulnerable, singling them out for unusual and cruel treatment. Premature mortality is the inevitable and obvious result.”

We know that it is likely that SARS-CoV-2 had already spread around the world before any lockdowns were initiated. We also know that the virus lay virtually dormant and only decided to cause statistically significant mortality after the lockdowns began. Once the WHO identified the “novel” virus and declared a global pandemic, it was the ensuing Lockdown regimes which prompted unseasonable spikes in mortality.
The lockdown regime was detrimental to the health of the very demographic it was supposedly designed to “keep safe.”
The vast majority of those claimed coronavirus deaths were not related to COVID-19. We have clear evidence that the Lockdown regime has caused, and will continue to cause, ill health and death.

[from Lockdown Deaths, Not Covid Deaths | UK Column]

Statistics world wide show a precise and exact correlation between the start of lockdowns and significant rises in overall mortality
If health authorities vastly underestimated the prevalence of the virus at the beginning of the pandemic, why did the virus nevertheless wait until lockdowns were imposed to suddenly start killing at levels which exceeded normal deaths?

Registered deaths in England and Wales have currently fallen below the five-year average for the last five weeks.
Over this same period there have been over 700 excess deaths per week, or 3,799 fatalities in total, occurring at home. only 179 of those deaths have Covid-19 mentioned on their certificate.
This represents a huge number of unexplained – and potentially avoidable deaths – particularly if they represent individuals deterred from visiting hospitals.’ 3,799 is almost 50 per cent higher than the number of people who have sadly lost their lives (2,582) to coronavirus in any setting over the same period.
This suggests that it is possible that more people are dying from direct or indirect effects of Covid-19 prevention rather than the virus itself. Dr Waqar Rashid in the Spectator, 30 July 2020

“Extra 10,000 dementia deaths in England and Wales in April amid reduced medical care and family visits” repots The Guardian; “There were 83% more deaths from dementia than usual in April… a reduction in essential medical care and family visits were taking a devastating toll.”
The British Medical Journal reports 20 000 unexplained deaths in senior care facilities of elderly people in the UK in April and May, ON TOP OF the 10 000 deaths labelled with coronavirus.
Clearly, the aim to “protect the vulnerable and over 70s” was not achieved.

“As national restrictions were imposed, experts from the Department of Health, the Office of National Statistics (ONS), the government’s Actuary Department and the Home Office forecast the collateral damage from delays to healthcare and the effects of recession arising from the pandemic response.
It estimated that in a reasonable worst case scenario, around 50,000 people would die from coronavirus in the first six months of the pandemic, with mitigation measures in place.
The report published in April calculated that up to 25,000 could die from delays to treatment in the same period and a further 185,000 in the medium to long term – amounting to nearly one million years of life lost.” From 19 July and 20 July on

At the peak of COVID-19,
suicides exceeded COVID-19 deaths
in Tennessee / US
10.7% of US adults said they’d seriously contemplated suicide (July 2020)

Covid deaths Sweden versus England
England had 50% more deaths / million inhabitants with lockdown
than Sweden (without lockdown)

Dr. Kendrick in an interview: “I have looked at the impact of social upheaval in the post-Soviet Union countries in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Russia had five million excess deaths in that period due to economic problems. That is how powerful the effects can be. We are going to see the downsides of lockdown policies around the world.
South Africa is already bursting at the seams. We have to look at this with a global perspective. This is going to be extremely costly and destructive of huge sections of the population.

Hospitals became essentially ‘covid only’ centres vast numbers of patients were wilfully neglected, resulting in many thousands of unnecessary deaths.

Staying home leads to “sunshine” vitamin D deficiency,
increasing chances of getting asthma & wheezing, influenza, tuberculosis, depression, schizophrenia, high blood pressure & coronary heart disease, type 1 diabetes, osteoporosis, rickets, muscle weakness & aches, Crohn’s Disease, multiple Sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis and cancer.
The UK government caused avoidable illness and deaths by instructing people to stay home.

Link to this chapter above ‘Lockdown Deaths’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

Conclusion of the German Interior Ministry Crisis Management KM4

“It’s classified content shows beyond a shadow of a doubt that in fact the population was deliberately driven to panic by politicians and mainstream media.” [Dr. Reiner Fuellmich in ‘Crimes against Humanity‘]

“False Alarm” (7 May 2020)

  1. The information about the dangers is incomplete and only deal with a narrow segment of the danger’s complexity. Without a proper assessment of the situation, appropriate measures cannot be efficient. Politicians had little chance to make appropriate decisions
  2. There is no evidence that this is more than a false alarm. There has been no increased danger for the population. Most people dying would have died anyway later this year. The danger of Covid-19 has been exaggerated. It is likely we have a global false alarm situation. This conclusion was checked by KM4 and is in alliance with the data provided by RKI [Robert Koch Institut].
  3. The crisis management did not have tools to stop and revoke the state of emergency when it became clear, that the damage of the emergency procedures would be bigger than their benefit.
  4. The collective damage is already higher than the benefit, which is reflected in the casualties outnumbering the virus deaths
  5. The damage caused by the corona crisis for the whole society is already gigantic; most of it will show in the near and far future; we cannot stop it any more, but may be able to limit it.
  6. The resilience of complex and interdependent essential infrastructures of our society has deteriorated, leaving our society more vulnerable to future crises.
  7. The state implemented protection measures have lost any sense by now, but are still in place, and should be lifted ASAP to prevent additional deaths and to stabilise the complex interdependent critical infrastructures.
  8. The incompetence and mistakes of the crisis management with inconsistent and contradicting information have caused a disinformation of the population, and might be perceived as not trustworthy.

3. The crisis management did not have tools to stop and revoke the state of emergency
when it became clear, that the damage
of the emergency procedures
would be bigger than their benefit.

[the above text is a shortened translated summary of the German summary of the crisis analysis] – here is an article in English.
The analysis results were too embarrassing for the government – it needed a whistleblower to publish it. The 93 page German original is here.
The situation in Britain is very similar to the findings of this analysis.

Professor Haditsch, Austria, said the following on 20 June
at the ACU (Corona Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee):

“It should also become visible for all,

  • that the German health care system has never even been close to running the risk of decompensating, i.e. being overburdened;
  • that measurement figures, such as the doubling rate and this dreadful number “R 0”, had the primary purpose of creating fear and putting pressure on the population, and were communicated in an incomplete and manipulative way for lack of reference to the number of tests carried out;
  • that false and untrustworthy fatality figures have been misused for intimidation purposes;
  • that the number of cases was already significantly declining well before the lockdown;
  • that a general mask-wearing obligation ordered 4 weeks later, I repeat 4 weeks later, was factually unfounded, unlawful and psycho-socially irresponsible;
  • that the incorrigible sticking to measures and already refuted statements, i.e. against better knowledge and proven evidence, is a criminal offence in this context; and
  • that ultimately a drastic change in the party-political decision-making structures is overdue because this is the only way to reliably prevent this anti-democratic approach from being continued or repeated.”

Link to this chapter above ‘Conclusion of the German Interior Ministry Crisis Management KM4’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

PCR Test for “Cases”?
updated: 7 February 2021

Polymearase Chain Reaction (PCR) test – OVERVIEW:
The pcr tests for fragments of the SARS-COV-2 virus,
NOT for the Covid-19 disease.

Healthy people testing “positive” are not “cases”. A medical “case” has to be ill
or show symptoms needing hospital admission.
To get 100% confirmed real positives, the PCR test must be run at no more than 17 amplification cycles.
Patients cannot be contagious above 25 cycles.
The maximum reasonably reliable Ct value is 30 cycles.
Above 35 cycles, 97% false positives can be expected.
The UK NHS is using up to 45 amplification cycles.
In an independent peer review, 22 international scientists found ten fatal problems with the Corman-Drosten paper the PCR test is based on.
The PCR test is useless as a specific diagnostic tool

The chance of detecting a positive culture using the PCR test after 34 or more amplifications is near zero

Read MUCH more about the PCR test, understanding the Cycle threshold, why there are no asymptomatic transmissions, the 10 major flaws a team of 22 scientists published in their peer review of the “Corman-Drosten paper” in the article:

Read more in the HealthTruth article:
Use or Abuse of the PCR Test?

Link to this chapter above: PCR Test for ‘Cases’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article

The R Number

Wikipedia writes: In epidemiology, the basic reproduction number, or basic reproductive number (sometimes called basic reproduction ratio or basic reproductive rate), denoted R_{0} (pronounced R nought or R zero),[20] of an infection can be thought of as the expected number of cases directly generated by one case in a population where all individuals are susceptible to infection.[17]

…not to be confused with the effective reproduction number R R (usually written R_{t} [t for time], sometimes R e R_e),[22] which is the number of cases generated in the current state of a population, which does not have to be the uninfected state.

R_{0} is not a biological constant for a pathogen as it is also affected by other factors such as environmental conditions and the behaviour of the infected population.

R_{0} values are usually estimated from mathematical models, and the estimated values are dependent on the model used and values of other parameters. … it is recommended not to use obsolete values or compare values based on different models.[25]
R_{0} does not by itself give an estimate of how fast an infection spreads in the population. [end of Wikipedia quote]

A major problem with the R number (or: R value) is, that models are based on homogeneous population behaviour and mixing.
In reality some people mix and meet others a lot, while others stay home alone.
See the SIR model in the chapter “Herd Immunity threshold HIT” in the next article “We Need To Focus On The Immune System…

“The ‘R value’ is not a strong enough number to bear the burden of any Government policy.”

“‘R‘ is an artificial figure calculated using mathematical models which have repeatedly been found to reach wrong-headed conclusions.”
[Dr. John Lee]

Researchers at the South Korean centre for disease control and prevention (CDC) say, that natural immunity is gained after infection with Covid-19.

Link to this chapter above ‘The ‘R’-Number’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

Face Masks and Coronavirus

last updated: 7 Feb 2021

The focus in this article is on information and studies which the main stream media do not share with us, helping you to make a balanced oponion. “Truth” can have several sometimes contradicting aspects. Science is based on shifting sands of change, development, permanent questioning of reality – and willingness to qestion evereything. This chapter about face masks in a time of a declared global pandemic will hopefully give new insights.

This meme above summarises some of the concerns about making face coverings mandatory for all. One seize does not fit all situations…

Read much more in the new article:
Face Masks and Covid-19

Link to this chapter above ‘Face Masks and Coronavirus’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

‘Contact Track & Trace’: Dangerous and Unlawful

The government keeps repeating the message “We need the Track & Trace app to prevent the virus spread”. Apart from SERIOUS doubts about the data security as well as the reliance of such a system, this is a typical “focus on the symptoms” approach (even when there are no symptoms!), not addressing the problem:
The virus is not the problem, but the immune system.

If you’re told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace
or the NHS COVID-19 app

“Self-isolate for 14 days
from the day you were last in contact with
the person who tested positive for coronavirus
“Do not have visitors in your home,
including friends and family”

• The ‘Track & Trace’ is based on the PCR test identifying people who test ‘positive’ as well as those whom they met in the last days (including contacts too short to cause any infection).
The UK government has repeatedly wasted money by outsourcing contracts to incompetent businesses, ordering unsuitable (ventilators) or not fit for purpuse (tests, face masks, PPE) goods in huge quantities.

Remember: the “Track & Trace” is based on unsuitable PCR test results

A WHO study on influenza pandemics in 2019 came to the conclusion that contact tracing is not useful from an epidemiological point of view. The WHO recommends (page 22):
Active contact tracing is not recommended in general because there is no obvious rationale for it in most Member States. This intervention could be considered in some locations and circumstances to collect information on the characteristics of the disease and to identify cases, or to delay widespread transmission in the very early stages of a pandemic in isolated communities.”
We are neither in a very early stage, nor in an isolated community.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is test-trace-unlawful.jpg
Sky News reports on 20 July: “The UK government has admitted its contact tracing programme is unlawful in a legal letter which confirms it has been running in breach of data protection laws since it was launched in May”.

NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden warned as early as March that governments could use the corona crisis as an occasion or pretext for expanding global surveillance and control, thus creating an “architecture of oppression”.
A whistleblower who had taken part in a training program for contact tracers in the US described it as “totalitarian” and a “danger to society”.

The failing contact tracing system should be stripped from outsourcing firms to save lives and avoid another national lockdown. The Labour Party has joined demands from local leaders and scientists to scrap a contract with privateers Serco.
Labour said it is “ineffective and not fit for purpose”.Campaigners demand the £300 million cost of renewing the contract on August 23 be diverted to boost existing local public health teams. Mirror from 10 August

Privatised Failure The Conservatives Sidelined Public Health for the Market. by Molly Scott Cato, MEP, 5 June 2020
testing contracts have gone to a string of corporations with little or no medical expertise: Deloitte, Boots, Serco, G4S, Mitie, Levy and Sodexco. Together, they have appointed more than 5,000 staff overseeing testing at 50 regional test centres. These sites are being managed by one person qualified only as a first-aider.
Many of these contracts have been awarded ‘without competing or advertising the requirement’ – in other words, the situation of emergency has allowed Government departments to hand these contracts to these companies with no questions asked.

Read about why pcr tests are inaccurate and unscientific

A story from the “New Normal”meet Sally:
Sally has 2 kids and a husband. Sally was worried about Covid so she paid attention she followed the rules she worried about dying of covid she worried about her kids dying. So she followed the rules and she stayed in her home. She didn’t see anyone and only left the house to go shopping. She washed her hands and made sure the house was clean. She did her best to keep her family healthy. Sally watched the news Sally trusted the media and wanted to do what was right.
When lockdown was over Sally was happy to take her kids to the park and to see her friends again. She was glad that life was returning to normal. Sally decided to book a holiday to Spain because the goverment said their was no risk but a few weeks later the goverment changed their minds. If Sally and her family go on holiday they have to isolate for 2 weeks. Sally decided that her family had missed out on enough so she spoke to her boss and her boss agreed to give her 2 weeks unpaid leave. Money would be tight but it would be worth it to get away.
Sally followed all the rules in Spain she masked up when leaving her apartment. She didn’t mix with anyone and she had a lovely time on holiday with her family She kept her family safe and stuck to the rules. Her holiday wasn’t the same but Sally was glad to take a break from the UK enjoy the sunshine.
Sally didn’t realise how hard isolation would be when she returned to the UK No visitors, no walking of the dog, no trips to the supermarket, complete isolation was hard. She knew her family were healthy and free of corona but she had to follow the goverment rules. There was no way she could pay a fine for breaking the rules.
After 2 weeks the kids could go back to school oh how excited they were to see their friends. Kids are happy to get back into a routine. Life feels normal.
3 days after being back at school Sally gets a call from school to tell her someone in the kids year group has tested positve. The full year group has to go home and isolate for 14 days.
Sally doesn’t have anyone to help with childcare so Sally has to take 2 weeks unpaid leave. Only this time her boss is not as pleased to give her the time off.
Sally isolates with her kids obeys the rules. Home schools but life is getting harder and she can barely afford to feed her family her mental health is suffering. She needs something to look forward to so she makes a promise to herself they she will treat herself when kids go back to school.
Kids go back to school. Even though Sally is struggling financially she books to get her haircut. She knows this will make her feel good. She’s starting to feel normal again. Back at work her boss isn’t happy they’ve had to take on a temp to cover the time she’s been off. Her colleagues treat her differently because of the time of she’s had. Sally feels sad she feels hurt that people can’t see that the kids having to isolate is out with her control.
Sallys mental health is at breaking point but she needs this job the bills are piling up shes lost out on 4 weeks pay.
Sally takes the kids to school on the way to work she gets a text message from test and trace her beautician has tested positive for coronavirus and she has to isolate immediately.
Sally can’t go to workher boss has to terminate her contract due to the amount of time off. Sally has no savings and the bills are stacking up.
6 months later Sally never had coronavirus she has been unable to find a job she has to go to local food banks for food. She’s at risk of losing her home. Sally thinks about suicide a lot!!
Sally worries constantly that her kids might have to isolate. She knows school is the only time they get a decent meal.”
[from a friend’s post]

Where might this lead to? MailOnline reports on 9 October:
Big Brother is watching your social-distancing! Over 1,000 AI scanners are monitoring how close pedestrians are walking to each other in major UK cities. Manufacturers Vivacity said data is used by officials to ‘inform policy decisions’are now used to identify pedestrians from other traffic and work out distances. In response to privacy concerns said no footage is saved or personal data kept.”

Link to this chapter above ‘Contact Track & Trace’: dangerous and unlawful’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

Saving the NHS? updated: 12 December 2020

If you are a health care professional in the United Kingdom, you might like to join this Facebook group:
NHS workers for choice, no restrictions for declining a vaccine

Staff are exhausted with significant numbers – 30,000 at last count – off work for Covid-related issues. [BBC, 2nd December]
Many of these 30 000 staff are probably absent from work because they need to self isolate – based on a medically meaningless “positiv” PCR test result, and NOT because they are ill.
Britain has fewer hospital beds than other European countries, so that is a factor to consider.

The NHS wrote a letter to “At Risk Patients living at home with the following instructions:
– Try not to see anyone face-to face for at least 12 weeks
– keep 3 steps (2metres) between you and other people in your home
– Sleep in a different bed from other people if you can
– Try not to use the kitchen at the same time as other people
– If possible, eat by yourself in your room
– Try to keep yourself well and happy
These instructions feel more like punishment and isolation torture;
how can anyone hope to uplift an elderly person’s spirit with that?

Dr. Kendrick in an interview: “You cannot dissociate money and health. We are spending as much on Covid-19 as we would spend on the NHS in three normal years.
“It is going to destroy the health of a lot of people… If you are not willing to accept that you might have done more harm than good, you cannot look at the situation accurately or objectively.”

The LIGHT blue shows suspected covid-19 cases – DEFINITELY not the main issue

Our western “modern” medicine focusses on treating symptoms rather than finding the cause of an illness, and often creates long term unhealthy side effects. Reducing the fever sabotages the natural immune system at work and supports the disease. Antibiotics severely damage the biome, home of the immune system, and a complex and well balanced rain forest like environment. The result is often a short term improvement with a long term weaker health condition or causing other diseases to develop.
On top of this systemic imbalance, almost 1,000 patients die needlessly in UK NHS hospitals every month because of basic errors by medical staff (UK study July 2012)
“Save our NHS” as it is) means cementing a rigid system, which provides income to pharmaceutical companies and their share holders.

People’s choices are heavily influenced by the media [image: Gary Larson]

Dr. Kendrick in an interview:
“we are going to miss the fact that the lockdown policies have caused an increase in deaths from many other things. There has been a 50 per cent reduction in people turning up to A&E. It is clear that people just do not want to bother the doctors. The clarion call was to clear the hospitals of patients. There was a point when my local hospital was a quarter full. Staff were wandering around with nothing to do… An awful lot of people have been standing around wondering what the hell to do with themselves. A&E has never been so quiet.
They basically just started throwing people out into the intermediate care sector. The average age of death from Covid-19 in the UK is around 82, and most of those people have co-morbidities… They had one objective – to clear the hospitals – and everything else was subordinate to that…
We locked down the population that had virtually zero risk of getting any serious problems from the disease, and then spread it wildly among the highly vulnerable age group.” 

In the chapter “We need to change the NHS” (in the next article about the Immune System) you may find some inspiration what we need to do.

Link to this chapter above ‘Saving the NHS?’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

The Media and Bias?
updated 30 April 2021

The media: “the first casualty in a war situation is the Truth”
At a time where 19 out of 20 news items in the main stream media revolve around the coronavirus, and Google, Facebook and Youtube, evenTwitter and Vimeo, are selectively removing content damaging their financial interests from their platforms, or labelling content with true, partly true or false warnings, fake and biased news, we need to face it:
Media are tempted to be biased toward their financial supporters.

Here is a recent example how the media reporting ABSOLUTE numbers create
hysteria about India, which has LESS covid deaths per million than other countries.
It is increasingly difficult to criticise media and their role in influencing public opinion

Many clinics in Europe and the US remained strongly underutilized or almost empty during lockdowns and in some cases had to send staff home – the media reported the opposite.

A newspaper is a device
for making the ignorant more ignorant
and the crazy crazier.
H. L. Mencken

In August 2020, the Columbia Journalism Review examined nearly twenty thousand charitable grants the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation had made through the end of June and found more than $250 million going toward journalism.
Recipients included news operations like the BBC, NBC, Al Jazeera, ProPublicaNational JournalThe Guardian, Univision, Medium, the Financial TimesThe Atlantic, the Texas Tribune, Gannett, Washington MonthlyLe Monde, and the Center for Investigative Reporting…  journalistic organizations such as the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting, the National Press Foundation, and the International Center for Journalists; and a variety of other groups creating news content or working on journalism, such as the Leo Burnett Company, an ad agency that Gates commissioned to create a “news site” to promote the success of aid groups. In some cases, recipients say they distributed part of the funding as subgrants to other journalistic organizations—which makes it difficult to see the full picture of Gates’s funding into the fourth estate. 
The foundation has long used its charitable giving to shape the public discourse on everything from global health to education to agriculture—a level of influence that has landed Bill Gates on Forbes’s list of the most powerful people in the world. 
Other ties include “participating in dozens of conferences, such as the Perugia Journalism Festival, the Global Editors Network, or the World Conference of Science Journalism,” as well as “help[ing] build capacity through the likes of the Innovation in Development Reporting fund.”
PolitiFact and USA Today (run by the Poynter Institute and Gannett, respectively—both of which have received funds from the Gates Foundation) have used their fact-checking platforms to defend Gates from “false conspiracy theories” and “misinformation”

What about the medical experts and research scientists?
The British Medical Journal BMJ published a cross sectional study: Financial ties between leaders of influential US professional medical associations and industry in May 2020.

Results: 235 of 328 leaders (72%)
had financial ties to industry.

Among 293 leaders who were medical doctors or doctors of osteopathy, 235 (80%) had ties. Total payments for 2017-19 leadership were almost $130m (£103m; €119m), with a median amount for each leader of $31 805 (interquartile range $1157 to $254 272). General payments, including those for consultancy and hospitality, were $24.8m and research payments were $104.6m—predominantly payments to academic institutions with association leaders named as principle investigators.
Variation was great among the associations: median amounts varied from $212 for the American Psychiatric Association leaders to $518 000 for the American Society of Clinical Oncology.

Conclusions: Financial relationships between the leaders of influential US professional medical associations and industry are extensive, although with variation among the associations. The quantum of payments raises questions about independence and integrity, adding weight to calls for policy reform.

Big companies and corporations find ways to secure their survival, through lobbying politicians and influencing media for their advantage – while small companies and businesses struggle to survive.

Typical media reporting from a demonstration criticising the government politics

Google is not a source of objective information.
They’re a very one-sided indoctrination machine.
Google’s basic strategy is ‘programming people.”
Google manipulates mankind by hiding certain information

and imposing other information.
Their mission is to ‘program’ humanity.”
[Zach Vorhies, senior software engineer of Google]

The media contribute to influence public opinion and politics. Above some examples from The Guardian. So nothing new for the 2020 winter – except, that the NHS has a few thousand less beds available – and seveeral doctors, nurses and care personnel are stressed because some collegues are absent due to selfisolation after testing “positive”.

Coronavirus disease 2019: The harms of exaggerated information and non‐evidence‐based measures“:
“Based on Altmetric scores, the most discussed and most visible scientific paper across all 20+ million papers published in the last 8 years across all science is a preprint claiming that the new coronavirus’ spike protein bears “uncanny similarity” with HIV‐1 proteins.2 The Altmetric score of this work has reached an astronomical level of 13 725 points as of 5 March 2020. The paper was rapidly criticized as highly flawed, and the authors withdrew it within days.
Regardless, major harm was already done”
“The first report documenting transmission by an asymptomatic individual was published in the New England Journal of Medicine on January 30. However, the specific patient did have symptoms, but researchers had not asked.3

We should ensure that the media do not use the power of images to generate emotions that influence our judgment. If you get pictures of coffins and death departments from Italy or pictures of completely empty shelves, then their effects exceed the facts mentioned.

Virus Mania is a social disease of our highly developed society.
To cure it will require conquering fear,
fear being the most deadly contagious virus,
most efficiently transmitted by the media.” 
[Etienne de Harven, pathologist]
“Fear Porn?” – collage from BBC web site April 2020, by InProportion2

Even though the COVID-19 curve has been flattened,
mainstream media outlets continue to push doomsday predictions of an impending explosion of deaths
• According to Stanford University’s disease prevention chairman Dr. John Ioannidis, the COVID-19 fatality rate for those under the age of 45 is “almost zero,” and between the ages of 45 and 70, it’s somewhere between 0.05% and 0.3%
• So, the fact that young and middle-aged adults are testing positive in droves is not a warning sign of an impending onslaught of deaths, as the risk of death in these age groups is minuscule
• According to the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the COVID-19 mortality — which had declined for the last 10 weeks straight — “is currently at the epidemic threshold,” meaning if it declines just a little more, COVID-19 will no longer be considered an epidemic [14 July 2020]

Link to this chapter above ‘The Media and Bias’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

Was The Spanish Flu Different?
updated 12 Feb 2021

Some previous pandemics were caused by volcanic eruptions leading to obscured sunshine resulting in food shortages and vitamin D deficiencies.
Spanish Flu casualties were partly due to administration of aspirin, which lowers the fever (“shooting the immune system in the food”) and impedes on the vitamin C absorption in the body (vitamin C was not discovered yet), which is a fatal combination for stressed malnourished bodies fighting an infection.
The “Second Wave” was most certainly not caused by the same virus than in the first winter – but that is difficult to proove or disprove in hindsight. We know however, is that this was a dire war situation, causing lots of fear and stress, which turns the immune system off – an open invitation for germs, bacteria and viruses to invade without much resistance.
We can also assume, that the quality of sleep was bad in a war situation, which is a precondition for many diseases.

The New Scientist writes: “Medical and scientific experts now agree that bacteria, not influenza viruses, were the greatest cause of death during the 1918 flu pandemic.” [4 Aug 2008]

Bacterial Pneumonia Caused Most Deaths in 1918 Influenza Pandemic:
“The majority of deaths during the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 were not caused by the influenza virus acting alone, report researchers from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health. Instead, most victims succumbed to bacterial pneumonia following influenza virus infection. The pneumonia was caused when bacteria that normally inhabit the nose and throat invaded the lungs along a pathway created when the virus destroyed the cells that line the bronchial tubes and lungs.”

This main cause of death from bacterial lung infections was established in 2008 via a research study which examined the autopsies and lung tissue specimens and studies conducted at the time and since: the authors were expert pathologists. [Fauci et al, 2008].

Did wearing face masks contribute to viral pneumonia, causing most deaths in the Spanish Flu?

We know that cloth masks were routinely warn and were mandated in many places. The mandating of cloth masks was an experimental measure which went against the public health policies and scientific research evidence base at the time.
Read more in the Face Masks article.

Spanish Flu, viral pneumonia, or meningitis vaccine victims?

THE 1918 “SPANISH FLU”: ONLY THE VACCINATED DIED [By Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA]: Spain was neutral during WW1 and did NOT censor its press, unlike the combatting countries. As a result, Spain was the first to report the 1918 Flu epidemic and the world “scapegoated” Spain as the source. Thus, the “Spanish Flu” is born. History tells us that the 1918 Spanish Flu killed between 50 – 100 million people.
In the book, Vaccination Condemned, Eleanor McBean, PhD, N.D., describes, in detail, personal and family experiences during the 1918 “Spanish Flu” pandemic. McBean’s coverage requires that the historical basis of the event needs to be revisited, with evidence that will “set your hair on fire”.  
In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.
Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a “FLU” at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a “killing field”.  
Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.  [source]

  1. WW1 ended sooner than expected, leaving HUGE quantities of unused experimental vaccines.
  2. Fearing that soldiers coming home would spread diseases to their families, The U.S. government pushed the largest vaccine ‘fear’ campaign in history. They used the human population as a research and development lab to field test experimental vaccines.
  3. Tens of millions of civilians died in the same manner as did the soldiers.  
  4. Instead of stopping the vaccines, doctors intensified them, calling it the great “Spanish Flu of 1918”. As a result, ONLY THE VACCINATED DIED. [source]

WW1 U.S. soldiers were given 14 – 25 untested, experimental vaccines within days of each other, which triggered intensified cases of ALL the diseases at once.  The doctors called it a new disease and proceeded to suppress the symptoms with additional drugs or vaccines.   [source]

Spanish Flu, viral pneumonia, or meningitis vaccine victims?

The Rosenau Experiment, 1918-1919 by Dr. Milton Rosenau:
Volunteers received first one strain and then several strains of Pfeiffer bacillus by spray and swab into their noses and throats and then into their eyes. That procedure failed to produce disease.
Others were inoculated with mixtures of other organisms isolated from the throats and noses of influenza patients.
Next, some volunteers received injections of blood from influenza patients.
Finally, 13 of the volunteers were taken into an influenza ward and exposed to 10 influenza patients each. Each volunteer was to shake hands with each patient, to talk with him at close range, and to permit him to cough directly into his face.
None of the volunteers in these experiments developed influenza.

Dr. Alan Palmer writes:
More important than the pathogen is the resistance of the host:
In the late 1800s and early 1900s, infectious disease ravaged the large cities here and in Europe. Small Pox, Dysentery, Cholera, Diphtheria, the Spanish Flu and even Measles were very deadly. During that time period, livestock, horses, dogs and other animals walked down the streets, defecating and urinating as they went. The cities were greatly over-crowded. There was no efficient way to dispose of human and animal waste, the air was putrid, the water unclean, the food supply providing only basic needs and most people smoked and chewed tobacco. People’s bodies were living petri dishes, crawling with pathogenic (harmful) organisms, disease causing bacteria, parasites, viruses and fungi. Their “terrain” was fertile soil, ripe for infection as their immune systems were weak and overwhelmed.”

Today we still find similar conditions and malnutrition in third world countries. For example: vitamin A deficiency is a common condition that contributes to illness, blindness, and death.
In today’s “modern” world, we face different problems: pollution and contaminated processed foods weaken the immune system, and life expectancy in the US is going DOWN – that should be a warning.

Link to this chapter above ‘Was The Spanish Flu Different?’

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Politics of Fear? Gaslighting, Stockholm Syndrome updated: 4 April 2021

Fear is experienced in your mind, but it triggers a strong physical reaction in your body. As soon as you recognize fear, your amygdala (small organ in the middle of your brain) goes to work. It alerts your nervous system, which sets your body’s fear response into motion. Stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline are released. Your blood pressure and heart rate increase. You start breathing faster. Even your blood flow changes — blood actually flows away from your heart and into your limbs, making it easier for you to start throwing punches, or run for your life. Your body is preparing for fight-or-flight.” [source]

24 Jan 2021: Government accused of using Covid fear tactics to inflate anxiety levels of British public:
“THE government has been accused of using covert strategies to keep people in a perpetual state of heightened fear to make them obey Covid-19 restrictions.”
A group of 47 psychologists has claimed this amounts to a strategic decision “to inflate the fear levels of the British public”, which it states is “ethically murky” and has left people too afraid to leave their homes for medical appointments. Led by former NHS consultant psychologist Dr Gary Sidley, the experts have written to the British Psychological Society (BPS) claiming the strategy is “morally questionable”.” []

The Telegraph reports (25 Jan): Manipulative broadcasters’ intrusive reports from hospitals are simply feeding despair
The excessive use of distressing films from the frontline is terrifying already frightened people
“I had to turn off the television news half a dozen times last week which, for a journalist who is obliged to stay on top of events, is quite something. I took this uncharacteristic step because I could not bear to watch, over and over again, the same film reports of appalling distress from hospital intensive care wards, some of them featuring with patients who died after being filmed…”

Quotes from The Telegraph: “inflated fear levels will be responsible for the ‘collateral’ deaths of many thousands of people with non-Covid illnesses” who are “too frightened to attend hospital”.
One regular Sage attendee said: “The British people have been subjected to an unevaluated psychological experiment without being told that is what’s happening.
the Government tells the public how many people have died within 28 days of a positive Covid test, but does not include the context of whether deaths are above or below the seasonal norm, and also gives daily figures for hospital admissions, but not how many people have recovered.”
“Once the fear has been stoked you can’t diminish it. It’s not like turning a tap on and off – you can’t turn the fear off.

“A report by Nottingham University last year suggested that fear could even translate into additional Covid deaths because poor mental health weakens the immune system. The report said: “It is well known that when negative mood states persist over time they result in the dysregulation of physiological systems involved in the regulation of the immune system.” [Telegraph, 2 April 2021]

“As some parts of your brain are revving up, others are shutting down. When the amygdala senses fear, the cerebral cortex (area of the brain that harnesses reasoning and judgment) becomes impaired — so now it’s difficult to make good decisions or think clearly.

As a result, you might… [be] unable to rationalize that the threat is not real. [source]

Children are made feel responsible for the painful, tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow the Corona rules and don’t stay away from their grandparents. [from ‘Crimes against humanity‘]

“For every complex problem there is an answer
that is clear, simple, and wrong”
H. L. Mencken

Asking people to spy on each other, on their neighbours and local businesss seeds distrust and destroys communities. Using threats triggering fear in order to manipulate people is an old political strategy, ubiquitous in today’s politics and media, labelled as “war on the virus”

The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaderssaid Nazi bigwig Hermann Goering after his conviction at Nuremberg. “That is easy. Of course, the people don’t want war,… neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood.”
“After all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.”
“the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy.
All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, making a victim question their reality. It is done slowly, so the victim doesn’t realise how much they’ve been brainwashed.
Gaslighters typically use the following techniques:
1. They tell blatant lies. setting up a precedent.
2. They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof.
3. They use what is near and dear to you as ammunition.
4. They wear you down over time.
5. Their actions do not match their words.
6. They throw in positive reinforcement to confuse you.
7. They know confusion weakens people.
8. They project. (accusing you of what they are doing)
9. They try to align people against you.
10. They tell you or others that you are crazy.
11. They tell you everyone else is a liar.
Details described in the article seem to match the current situation.

The UK government, supported by the media, creates a lot of fear and uncertainty through contradicting instructions which “do not seem to make any sense.” There is no political opposition or questioning of the lockdown, as a war style situation is created with help of the media who thrive in conflict situations, and the message “we are all in this together” signal: “if you don’t do what we say, you endanger the lives of all of us”

Another psychological aspect of the current situation is “The Stockholm Syndrome“, where hostages / victims begin to bond with their kidnappers / abusers, in order to save their lives. Being in a manipulative relationship can cause cognitive dissonance (“this doesn’t make sense”). This means the victim’s intuition has been damaged, and they may be confused about reality. Victims of Stockholm syndrome can become dedicated to a cause or an unspoken desire. They may over-identify with the perpetrator in a dysfunctional way in order to fulfil a personal need. This is the “hook.” A clever political strategy.
How to Help People Who May Have Stockholm Syndrome

The whole political re-action to the coronavirus, fired up by the media, is steped in psychological aspects – here is another one:

Munchausen syndrome by proxy (MSP) — or Munchausen by proxy — is a psychological disorder marked by attention-seeking behavior by a caregiver through those who are in their care.

“People with MSP may create or exaggerate a child’s symptoms in several ways. They may simply lie about symptoms, alter tests (such as contaminating a urine sample), falsify medical records, or they may actually induce symptoms through various means, such as poisoning, suffocating, starving, and causing infection.”

The UK government’s chief scientific adviser has £600,000 of shares in vaccine maker contracted by the government. The government is “following scientific advice” of the SAGE committee. From 20 permanent members [as of 15 August], only five are independent.
That means, 3/4 of them have ties to industries or other bias, which unavoidably has an influence on what advice they give. Below are excerpts from one SAGE report, showing psychological manipulation methods:

SAGE committee suggests fear
Document showing the SAGE committee suggesting
to increase fear in the UK population

Much fear and panic was created around this new virus, contributing to stress and dis-ease. This led to the acceptance of the government’s lockdown.
On March 19th, a French study “SARS-CoV-2: Fear Versus Data” was published, concluding: “There does not seem to be a significant difference between the mortality rate of SARS-CoV-2 in OECD countries and that of common coronaviruses” and:
“Fear could have a larger impact than the virus itself”
So the same day, the British government decided: “COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK”. But four days later they ordered a lockdown and voted on a Bill, spanning a period of two years. TWO YEARS – for a seasonal virus?
By the time it turned out the virus was not so dangerous, the decision makers seemed too afraid to admit this and return to normal.
Due to lockdown and “flattening the curve”, we haven’t achieved the level of herd immunity yet, so some people will catch up with the virus later.

This table is from Sweden, which did not have lockdown deaths
sneaking into covid-19 death statistics.

Liberty is of small value to the lower third of humanity.
They greatly prefer security, which means protection
by some class above them.
They are always in favor of despots who promise to feed them.”

[H.L. Mencken]

The No-cebo effect of fear
Just like any medication and placebo works better, when people believe in them, any virus will make people more ill when they fear it.
Fear induces stress, which disables the immune system, which makes people more receptive to any infection – a self fulfilling prophecy.
Fear intoxicates our common sense, and especially those who have locked themselves in have been exposed to multiple repeated slogans on all channels to be scared.
Coronaviruses regularly recur in dogs, cats, pigs, mice, bats and in humans, and after all Covid-19 is part of the coronavirus family.

Link to this chapter above ‘Politics of Fear: Gaslighting
and the Stockholm Syndrome’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

HCQ Studies Set Up To Fail?

WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust and the U.K. government used wrong dosage and missed a main ingredient in their studiesHow a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created
• The U.K. Recovery Trial— Funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Wellcome Trust and the U.K. government through Oxford University, this study randomly assigned patients to usual care or to one of five primary drug treatments: lopinavir-ritonavir; a corticosteroid (low-dose dexamethasone); hydroxychloroquine; tociizumab; or azithromycin. They also used convalescent plasma.
Patients received 2,400 mg of hydroxychloroquine during the first 24 hours — three to six times higher than the daily dosage recommended followed by 400 mg every 12 hours for nine more day for a cumulative dose of 9,200 mg over 10 days. The trial ended its hydroxychloroquine arm on June 4, reporting “no benefit.”

• The Solidarity Trial — Launched by the World Health Organisation and funded by 43 countries and 203,000 individuals and organisations, this trial also compares standard of care against four drug options, including hydroxychloroquine, among patients in 35 countries.
the Canadian and Norwegian portions of the trial lists a dosage of 2,000 mg on the first day, and a cumulative dose of 8,800 mg over 10 days. This is only 400 mg less than the U.K.32 Recovery Trial’s toxic dose.
…the study was retracted for using fabricated data, (and this despite having undergone peer-review), the hydroxychloroquine arm was restarted.
June 17, 2020, the hydroxychloroquine arm was stopped again, this time “based on evidence from the Solidarity trial, U.K.’s Recovery trial and a Cochrane review of other evidence on hydroxychloroquine.”

The REMAP-CAP Trial (Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial Adaptive Platform Trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia)39 — Here, patients either received nothing, a combination of lopinavir and ritonavir, or hydroxychloroquine alone or in combination with lopinavir and ritonavir.
REMAP used the same toxic dose as the Recovery Trial but for six days instead of 10. What’s more, only critically ill hospitalised patients were included in this trial..

By using the WRONG dose, the WHO,
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,
Wellcome Trust and the UK government caused avoidable deaths.

All three trials above that used toxic hydroxychloroquine doses also failed to include zinc, which appears to be a key factor; the hydroxychloroquine is really only used to drive the zinc in to the cells.
[from How a False Hydroxychloroquine Narrative Was Created]

Link to this chapter above ‘HCQ Studies Set Up To Fail’

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Children and Covid-19
last updated: 6 January 2021

Corona children studies “Co-Ki”: First results of a Germany-wide registry on mouth and nose covering (mask) in children“:
“By 26.10.2020 the registry had been used by 20,353 people. In this publication we report the results from the parents, who entered data on a total of 25,930 children. The average wearing time of the mask was 270 minutes per day.  Impairments caused by wearing the mask were reported by 68% of the parents. These included irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), less happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%) impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%).

Our children are severely affected: “Socially isolated children were at significant risk of poor adult health compared with non-isolated children… longitudinal findings showed that chronic social isolation across multiple developmental periods had a cumulative, dose-response relationship to poor adult health”
[Study August 2006: Socially Isolated Children 20 Years Later – Risk of Cardiovascular Disease]

Kids aren’t superspreaders, and they may even be superbarriers [ANH, 19 Nov. 2020]
“in July, Swedish epidemiologist, Dr Jonas Ludvigsson from the Karolinska Institute, well and truly put the nail in the coffin of the idea that kids might be the problem, pointing to evidence that showed that is was unlikely that kids were the main driver of the pandemic.”
“Now we have a new insight. Kids are not only unlikely to be superspreaders, they could actually be a significant part of the solution. It seems their exposure to the virus may create one of the most effective ways of breaking transmission cycles of SARS-CoV-2.

“Now we have a new insight.
Kids… exposure to the virus may create
one of the most effective ways of
breaking transmission cycles of SARS-CoV-2.”

“The latest insight comes from a very detailed case study on a single family published by a group from the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute and the University of Melbourne, led by Dr Shidan Tosif, just published in the journal Nature Communications.”
“all three kids developed strong antibody responses as measured in saliva and blood plasma. Additionally, the adults developed strong and sustained T-cell responses which would have conferred long-term immunity.”
The youngest child who never had symptoms developed the strongest antibody response and that response was especially strong in the saliva. The authors of the study rightly suggest that this could mean that children can develop a very strong innate mucosal response to virus particles that land in the nose, mouth and airways that prevents the virus from gaining entry to the body and replicating. Hence the lack of evidence of replicating virus in these three children.”
What can we learn? “Young kids who are exposed to the virus may be among the most effective neutralisers of the virus, so when they are in the transmission chain, they could break the transmission chain and reduce rather increase total viral loads” [end of ANH quotes]

A Durham teacher reported, that 5 out of 70 children he has been teaching via zoom did well – but the 65 others were really struggling and did not like on-line learning.

Nursery children at Wat Khlong Toey School in Bangkok on 10 August
Social Services In Britain should see that as trauma inducing child abuse.
Isolated children can not develop a strong immune system.

Children are made feel responsible for the painful, tortured death of their parents and grandparents if they do not follow the Corona rules and don’t stay away from their grandparents. [from ‘Crimes against humanity‘]

School children in a French school. Children are our future.
What kind of future do we prepare them for?

Social distancing and isolation destroys children
• Developed 70 years ago by the CIA to break down enemies of state.
• It is the equivalent of smoking 15 cigarettes a day AND being an alcoholic.
• It doubles the risk of death, and destroys the part of the brain responsible for learning.
Who would recommend doing THAT to our children?

It looks like trouble is brewing up in the current school generation.

On Collateral Global are studies listed regarding education: ‘Schooling during the COVID-19 lockdown

Politicians and some media suggest considering to vaccinate children against SARS-COV-2. Here is a new very rare study of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children (November 2020), comparing how often both groups came to see a Doctor.
Dr. Rob Abbot analyses this study and asks:
Can Vaccines Alter a Child’s Health Trajectory?
Below is an interesting table of graphs from the study:

Figure 5. Analysis 5. Cumulative office visits in the vaccinated (orange) vs. unvaccinated (blue) patients born into the practice: the clarity of the age-specific differences in the health fates of individuals who are vaccinated (2763) compared to the 561 unvaccinated in patients born into the practice over ten years is most strikingly clear in this comparison of the cumulative numbers of diagnoses in the two patient groups.
The number of office visits for the unvaccinated is adjusted by a sample size multiplier factor (4.9) to the expected value as if the number of unvaccinated in the study was the same as the number of vaccinated.

Link to this chapter above ‘Children and Covid-19’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

Statistics & Covid-19 Deaths updated: 27 May 2021

“Dr. Mike Yeadon says the definition of a “coronavirus death” in the U.K. is anyone who dies, from any cause, within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test…
about 1,700 people die each day in the U.K. in any given year, but many of these deaths are now falsely attributed to COVID-19… the daily death count is absolutely bang-on normal” [source, 2 December]

Systematically Flawed Mortality Statistics Should Not Be Guiding Science, Medicine or Public Policy” – An Evidence Based Postion Presented By A Former Death Certificate Clerk [20 April 2021]:

“Clinical practice and legislation aimed to save lives, cause-of-death reporting does not meet any basic criteria of objective fact. Across continents, from 40 years ago to present day, death certificates, which provide the basis for our beliefs as to why we die, have been found to be erroneous in their causal conclusions 20-60% of the time according to the peer-reviewed literature. The daily process of obtaining cause-of-death information, which I was an eyewitness to, is not a process of careful investigation, but rather a rushed and apathetic bureaucratic tumbling machine that incentivizes compliance over recording the complexity of truth.”

The global circulation of flu viruses 2016-2021 according to WHO has disappeared?
YES: the final death count for all of 2020 shows more deaths then in the recent years.
NO: it does not proove they died with or from covid-19 – or as a knock on effect from lockdown.

Statistics: 2020 might be rememberd as the year with dramatic DECREASE of registered infectious diseases. Compare the full (and half) year “Cumulative Totals” 2018, 2019 and 2020 in the table below:

This statistic shows an unbelieveable reduction of cumulative totals of many diseases in 2020, especially in the 2nd half of 2020.
Public Health England: STATUTORY NOTIFICATIONS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASESWEEK 2020/51 week ending 20/12/2020in ENGLAND and WALES
It is not the first time, that politicians were presented with models predicting far too many deaths – and after they voted for lockdown, the numbers were corrected [source]

Covid-19 vaccine 95% effective?” This should be exposed as fraud:
1) nearly 1 out of 5 healthy volunteers reported side effects after the 1st shot, and stronger effects after the 2nd shot. It is likely, that more of frail, old or those with underlying health conditions will suffer side effects.
2) in previous SARS vaccine animal models, they died when exposed to the wild SARS virus they were vaccinated against.
That will likely happen between January and March (coronavirus season in the northern hemisphere)
3) Side effects are only recorded from two weeks after the second vaccination in the trial setup.
Read more in the chapter ‘Covid Vaccine?

On the 3rd December, Del Bigtree from TheHighWire reveals shocking details of the covid-19 vaccine trials: they only count side effects from day 42 after the 1st vaccine
Read more in the chapter ‘Covid Vaccine?

22 Nov: the Daily Mail UK reports the latest official data: Covid UK: Facts about the risks, the death rate, and NHS capacity
(in short: it’s all normal for November)

During the ‘Halloween horror show’ press conference used by Sir Patrick and Chief Medical Officer Professor Chris Whitty to scare the Government into implementing a second lockdown, one of their slides suggested that daily Covid-19 deaths could reach 4,000 a day by December. [graphic: Daily Mail UK 22 November]

Since the Coronavirus Bill was passed on 25 March, proper post mortem examinations are not required any more, and the real reason of death and underlying conditions may never be found out. The WHO guidelines allow using the emergency ICD-10 code “U07. COVID-19” as cause of death, if no virus was identified.
This covid death count is basically useles.
An Italian post morten examination found over 95% of covid-19 deaths had underlying conditions likely being the cause of death.
Italian hospitals are the worst in Europe; an analysis from 2015 showed, that over 10 700 people died in Italian hospitals due to hospital acquired antibiotic resistant pathogens in one year.

There are numerous credible reports that doctors and hospitals worldwide had been paid money for declaring a deceased person a victim of covid-19 rather than writing down the true cause of death on the death certificate, for example, a heart attack or a gunshot wound. [from ‘Crimes against humanity‘]

Prominent forensic medicine professor Klaus Püschel, Hamburg, Germany, has vast experience in autopsying individuals who have died with the Chinese coronavirus:
“All [COVID-19] deaths for this region, which have now passed 100, have been autopsied, and each one had serious pre-existing diseases. The average age is 80 years old.”
“I think it’s really completely inappropriate when a president tells his people that we are at war, or when the German chancellor compares the situation with the last world war.”

The vast majority of UK Covid deaths have underlying conditions (green)

The UK ONS: Where only COVID-19 was recorded on the death certificate, or COVID-19 and subsequent conditions caused by COVID-19 were recorded, we refer to these deaths as having “No pre-existing conditions”.
Who decides if the conditions are subsequent or have been underlying?
It is likely, that the conditions which actually caused the death, may never appear in the statistics, leaving the impression that coronavirus was the only cause of death.

Good news? In June 2020 all top 10 causes of death (blue) were lower
than the 5-year average (yellow)!
Isn’t it likely, that the labels of deaths just changed?

Statistics and testing: according to the WHO, the flu has nearly been eradicated?

According to WHO Influenza Laboratory Surveillance Information, it appears that there has been virtually no Flu anywhere in the world since April. The levels from week 16 to date are tiny compared to similar periods over the previous 10 years.

The Telegraph, 8 December: Office for National Statistics (ONS) data – which showed soaring coronavirus cases before the second lockdown – has been quietly revised down and now suggests that cases were largely plateauing at the time, it has emerged.

Why were Public Health England NOT counting covid recovered cases like the other countries?
By this PHE definition, no one with COVID in England was allowed to ever recover from their illness. A patient who has tested positive, but successfully treated and discharged from hospital, was still counted as a COVID death even if they had a heart attack or were run over by a bus three months later.

[from Why no-one can ever recover from COVID-19 in England – a statistical anomaly
Finally: a covid-19 death count review removed 5400 deaths from the statistic
and a cut-off of 28 days is applied on 12 August 2020,
reducing the covid deaths from 442 to 111 (week 18 to 24 July)

The UK government published the following blog on 12 Aug 2020
Behind the headlines: Counting Covid-19 deaths“: The additional indicators which will be used to calculate daily death figures are:

  • the number of deaths in people with COVID-19 that occur within 28 days of a first positive laboratory-confirmed test. 
    This is intended to provide a headline indicator of the immediate impact of recent epidemic activity. Deaths that occur more than 28 days after a positive test will not be included in this count.
  • the number of deaths that occur within 60 days of a first positive test. Deaths that occur after 60 days will also be added to this figure if COVID-19 appears on the death certificate.
    This will provide a more complete measure of the burden of the disease over time.”

“We examined all 41,598 deaths in confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported up to 3 August 2020 and found that:

  • 88% of deaths occurred within 28 days of a positive COVID-19 test and 96% occurred within 60 days or had COVID-19 on the death certificate
  • of those who died 29 to 60 days after their positive test, COVID-19 was included on the death certificate for 64%
  • 2,295 (54%) of the 4,219 deaths excluded by a 28-day time limit had COVID-19 on the death certificate
  • overall 91% of deaths reported by PHE in confirmed cases up to 3 August had COVID-19 on the death certificate” []

Anyone who tests positive with coronavirus und dies within 28 days, whatever the cause of death, is counted as “Covid-19 death” So there will always be some covid deaths.

THIS above news item was mostly “no news”.
Normally media report misconduct, and uncover government mistakes.
During this coronavirus time however it is predominantly the scare news
which make it into the headlines.
One month after England, Scotland has now adjusted their covid-19 death count.
The Scotish Sun was the only newspaper showing this in a headline

Covid deaths as well as test “cases” seem to have a high degree in downward adjustment – in other words: they were highly inflated to start with, and it took rather a long time to correct.

The Off-Guardian reports on 8 October:
WHO (Accidentally) Confirms Covid is No More Dangerous Than Flu Head of Health Emergencies Program “best estimates” put IFR at 0.14%
They believe roughly 10% of the world has been infected with Sars-Cov-2. This is their “best estimate”. The global population is roughly 7.8 billion people, if 10% have been infected that is 780 million cases. The global death toll currently attributed to Sars-Cov-2 infections is 1,061,539.
That’s an infection fatality rate of roughly or 0.14%.
Right in line with seasonal flu

Statistics can do anything:
Playing around with death labels seems to be not unusual:
No male “influenza and pneumonia male deaths” 2011-1015 (red)?
No female “chronic lower respiratory diseases” (grey fields) in 2006 and from 2008 to 2011?
“Dementia and Alzheimers”(light blue): are women so different to men?
What surprises will we see for 2020 death labels in the UK?

official UK death statistics are full of surprises due to changing labels and definitions.

Here is an interesting example how a fact check website interprets data: – headline: “Flu isn’t the underlying cause of death for more people than Covid-19
“the ONS reports the number of “deaths involving COVID-19”, which means the number of death certificates that mention Covid-19 somewhere, whether or not it was the underlying cause.
The ONS also reports in the bulletin the number of “deaths in England and Wales [that] mentioned ‘Influenza and Pneumonia’”. Again, they didn’t have to be the underlying cause of death. 

This matters, because “when Covid-19 is mentioned on a death certificate, it is much more likely to be the underlying cause of someone’s death than when pneumonia or influenza is.
[THIS is the point of clear manipulation without proof nor logic]
“Up to the end of June 2020 in England and Wales, Covid-19 was the underlying cause of death on about 93% of the death certificates that mentioned it.”
[Now this is VERY questionable. In reality it is the other way around, that 95% of people WITH covid-19 have underlying conditions – see above, so the covid deaths number should be divided by 20 to get a realistic picture]
“a death counted in the “Influenza and pneumonia” category could be someone who died after having pneumonia, or after having flu, or after having both.”
Pneumonia is usually caused by a bacterial infection, but it can also be caused by a virus such as flu or the one that causes Covid-19. It’s worth noting that many people who die with Covid-19 have pneumonia as well, so the ONS explains that “deaths where both were mentioned have been counted only in the COVID-19 category”.
[WHY is covid-19 overriding pneumonia and the flu in the death statistic without explanation? That shows, that only SOME of the covid deaths are CAUSED by covid, so the covid death number needs to be reduced, and the pneumonia number needs to be increased accordingly.]
From the 26,342 who died from either influenza or pneumonia in 2019, only 4.6% died from flu – and 95,4% died from pneumonia.
A good reminder, that flu is REALLY not that dangerous – it is pneumonia which kills 19 out of 20 people in the flu/pneumonia category.
THANK YOU for reminding us that flu is MUCH less dangerous than the flu vaccine pushers want us to believe.
The Office for National Statistics has begun to include a note on its weekly deaths data, which says: “Figures for Influenza and Pneumonia represent where either of these causes have been mentioned anywhere on the death certificate meaning they will not necessarily be the underlying cause of death.”
Hopefully people will stay away from the flu vaccine this year, which needs 71 vaccinated people to avoid ONE case of flu.
[Quotes from]

More about the flu vaccine in the “Focus on the Immune System” article

“CRUCIAL Viral Update: Critique of Data sending UK into Lockdown Meltdown”
This video clearly explains everything: data, statistics, virus seasons and why the post pandemic should be called endemic.
Link: (Video was removed from YouTube)

Covid-19: The Data Exposing the Deception“[by UK Column, 11 Oct]:
“When influenza, pneumonia and Covid-19 are on a Medical Certificate Cause of Death (MCCD) together, without a postmortem, it is ridiculous to suggest that nearly 96% of these deaths (18,642) must be Covid-19 deaths. The reason that they are reported as such has nothing to do with medical science and everything to do with the death registration system, created by the UK government, specifically for Covid-19.”
for public sector workers who regularly interact with the public in the community, such as police officers, fire officers, park attendants and so forth, mortality was zero.
[source of this investigation]

Interpreting statistics in a different way leads to different conclusions

“The most obvious reason COVID-19 hospitalizations are going up is because of what’s happening in the hospital system.
Patients are returning to the hospitals for elective surgery that were all delayed during the lockdown.” [j.b. handley blog]

Link to this chapter above ‘Covid-19 Deaths and Statistics’

Top of page “Content” <=> “end of article”

Preventing Infections?
updated 21 April 2021

Exposing our skin to soap and gels, shampoos, deodorants and perfumes results in most of the ingredients being absorbed into the body. Some of the ingredients may have unwanted side effects – they also remove the protective fat layer on the skin (including sunshine induced vitamin D) and lead to the skin being more vulnerable to infections. It is recommended to reduce soap and gels on the skin.

What happens when you take antibiotics or regularly use antibacterial lotions and soaps? You literally kill the good bacteria and the bad ones take over. This, in turn, disturbs the symbiosis (balance) of your microbiome which will lead to digestive issues and immune reactions. [source]

The CDC acknowledged … cleaning surfaces
to prevent transmission by touch of the coronavirus: It’s pure hygiene theater.
[The Atlantic, 13 April 2021]

“Since 2015, WAAW has been focusing on awareness-raising and education towards the responsible and prudent use of the antimicrobials. Since 2015, WAAW has been focusing on awareness-raising and education towards the responsible and prudent use of the antimicrobials. Previously World Antibiotic Awareness Week, the name was changed this year to World Antimicrobial Awareness Week to reflect the breadth of the initiative. Antimicrobials include antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal and antiprotozoal agents, which are critical tools for treating diseases in humans, animals and plants.
WAAW is particularly important this year as the COVID-19 crisis is increasing the misuse and overuse of antimicrobials, including antibiotics. Unless something is done, this could worsen the growing, long-term problems of antimicrobial resistance (AMR).
AMR is a global crisis. There is no time to wait. Everyone has a role to play in preserving the effectiveness of antimicrobials… Human and animal health agencies, the environment and food sectors, as well as civil society must unite efforts to preserve antimicrobial efficacy through a multisectoral One Health approach. The AMR crisis applies to everyone. So, let us act for the sake of all humanity.”

Joint statement by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia, the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) Sub-Regional Representation for Central Asia, and WHO/Europe,
12 November 2020

Coronavirus Disinfectants May Be Extremely Hazardous to Health:
Toxic chemicals now being used are causing unprecedented levels of exposure with unknown consequences to human health.
studies on many of the chemicals have been linked to asthma and other respiratory conditions, reproductive effects and neurological and dermatological problems.[v]
Exposure to disinfectants and cleaning products has long been
linked to health risks. Among nurses, for instance, exposure to cleaning chemicals at work was associated with a 25% to 38% increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 
Research published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine also found that women responsible for cleaning at home, or who worked as house cleaners, had accelerated declines in lung function, and long-term respiratory health was impaired 10 to 20 years after cleaning activities.[vii]
Damage to respiratory function for women cleaners was similar to smoking a pack of cigarettes every day for 10 to 20 years.
Spraying the chemicals poses increased inhalation risks, as it generates micro-particles and possibly even smaller nanoparticles, which are absorbed into the body faster and in greater quantities than larger particles. The WHO warned, In indoor spaces, routine application of disinfectants to surfaces via spraying is not recommended for COVID-19“.
Aggressive disinfection procedures being implemented in the name of COVID-19 could end up causing far more harm than good. [source]

Constant hand washing and using sanitiser in schools causes skin problems
and possibly long term health issues from toxic ingredients to this boys hand

Scientists warn that making deep-cleaning a priority is not going to have a significant impact on the spread of the virus, as surface transmission appears to be minimal in the first place. In a study in which the authors tried to mimic actual conditions in which a surface might be contaminated by a patient, no viable SARS-CoV was detected on surfaces.
Fogging students, as proposed in England, is both unwarranted and unwise. Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, poisonings related to cleaning solutions have also risen by as much as 20%.
Soap and water is likely one of the best alternative strategies here, as the soap will effectively inactivate viruses.

Negative effects of social isolation and distancing on the immune system have not been considered. Any environment, void of new bacteria, germs and viruses, does not stimulate the immune system; it is to be expected, that people who have avoided contact with others will be the first getting ill next winter.
Below is one of the BEST short videos explaining how good our immune system works – free laughter benefit included:

George Carlin: “The immune system needs germs and viruses to practice on“
A quick lecture about how the immune system works. Hilarious – and true.
link to share:

Professor Hendrik Streeck, virologist from the University of Bonn, is leading a study on Heinsberg, “Germany’s Wuhan” with a high number of “cases” and a low number of deaths. Most cases originate from people being together for an extended period of time, and not from touching surfaces with viruses on them. He believes there is little chance to be infected from surfaces like a door knob. “it would be necessary that someone coughs into their hand, immediately touches a doorknob, and then straight after that another person grasps the handle and goes on to touch their face”
Streeck’s, study found that: “There is no significant risk of catching the disease when you go shopping. Severe outbreaks of the infection were always a result of people being closer together over a longer period of time.”

Did you know that wearing Facemasks can lead to bacterial infections?
Read more in the chapter ‘Face Masks above.

Link to this chapter above ‘Preventing infections?’

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What About The Covid Vaccine? updated 26 Jan 2021

Is it possible, that by the time the Covid-19 vaccine was rolled out (December 2020), the actual virus has become insignificant and not virulent any more, and the majority of the population has already gained natural immunity?
Here are some graphs about the timing of vaccine introduction:

An old strategy: when it is all over, a vaccine is introduced,
and we are told the vaccine “eradicated” the disease.

There’s a BIG updated article,
Covid-19 Vaccine: cure or curse?

The same question can be asked about the timing of the introduction of face masks in the UK:

In summer 2020, after public transport, facemasks were made mandatory in shops.
Next year the government might claim “wearing face masks prevented the second wave.” Graphic: NHS England

Link to this chapter above ‘What About The Covid Vaccine?’

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Pandemic Reactions Out Of Proportion? updated: 19 January 2021

In the last 40 years alone the UK has had seven official epidemics /pandemics; AIDS, Swine flu, CJD, SARS, MERS, Bird flu as well as annual, seasonal flu.
All were very worrying but schools remained open and the NHS treated everybody and most of the population were unaffected.

A new peer reviewed study “ASSESSING MANDATORY STAY-AT-HOME AND BUSINESS CLOSURE EFFECTS ON THE SPREAD OF COVID-19” from 5 January 2021 by Stanford researchers has found that mandatory lockdowns do not provide more benefits to stopping the spread of COVID-19 than voluntary measures such as social distancing.

Are we winning the war against the virus? What price are we paying?

Compared to other causes of death and previous pandemics, coronavirus-19 should more be compared to a seasonal flu.
World wide, 1 person in every 50,000 died of coronavirus.
Cardiovascular disease kills about 46,575 people each day.
Heart disease has killed more people in the last 4 days than COVID-19 has killed in the last 4 months…

As shown in the previous article, Coronavirus Lockdown was not Necessary. WHY suddenly such a panic with such a huge collateral damage?

This table puts Coronavirus daily deaths into perspective. Keep in mind, that the numbers are based on PCR tests and may include false positives, “suspected” cases, and those dying from underlying conditions.
By now we have MANY treatments for covid-19, and observations form other countries round the world clearly show, that despite a rise in “cases”, deaths do not rise any more
See more statistics above

The WHO states in Non-pharmaceuticalpublic health measures for mitigating the risk and impact of epidemic and pandemic influenza 2019, page 3:
Not recommended in any circumstances:
UV light
• Modifying humidity
Contact tracing
Quarantine of exposed individuals
Entry and exit screening
Border closure

“This is not Ebola. It’s not SARS. It’s politics playing medicine and that’s avery dangerous game. There is no action of any kind needed other than what happened last year when we felt unwell. We stayed home, we took chicken noodle soup, we didn’t visit granny, and we decided when we would return to work. We didn’t need anyone to tell us.”
“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It’s outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season.” [Dr. Roger Hodkinson 23 Nov. – full audio is HERE]

19 out of 20 people die FROM underlying conditions, WITH Covid-19

“The real question is, is this serious enough to warrant putting most of our population into house imprisonment, wrecking our economy for an indefinite period, destroying businesses that honest and hardworking people have taken years to build up, saddling future generations with debt, depression, stress, heart attacks, suicides and unbelievable distress inflicted on millions of people who are not especially vulnerable, and will suffer only mild symptoms or none at all?”

[former Supreme Court Judge , Lord John Sumption, discussing the UK response to COVID-19, BBC interview 2019-03-30 []

The above break down in 6,680 dots was published in the Sunday Times 27 Sept. 2020
4 black dots = total deaths, 14 green = hospital admissions 42 = “cases”

Examples of collateral lockdown damage:

Link to this chapter above ‘Pandemic Reactions Out Of Proportion’

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Brave “New Normal”?

Computers are taking over our lives in the name of “Health”.
We are all connected – but
our life quality suffers.
Big Brother is watching you.
Freedom in isolation?
The “new abnormal” is eroding
our society as a well balanced interconnected system of people, groups, clubs, businesses, organisations, and public institutions – a complex network of interwoven connections.
We humans are social animals and need each other’s company. reports: “On Monday 12 October, iconic rock band ‘The Flaming Lips’ held a concert in Oklahoma City where everyone — audience and performers included — was sealed in their own plastic bubble.” Is this the ‘New Normal’?

In Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. People will come to love their oppression, to love the technologies that undo their capacities to think.
Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book,
for there would be no one who wanted to read one.
Huxley feared those who would give us so much information, that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism, and the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.
As Huxley remarked in Brave New World Revisited, the civil libertarians and rationalists who are ever on the alert to oppose tyranny “failed to take into account man’s almost infinite appetite for distractions.”
In 1984, George Orwell added, people are controlled by inflicting pain. In Brave New World, people are controlled by inflicting pleasure. In short: what we desire will ruin us.

Link to this chapter above ‘Brave “New Normal”?’

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Learning from Health History? updated 13 December 2020

Thalidomide was sold as a sleep well pill
and caused horrible defects in babies born
if it was taken during pregnancy
Do you remember?
DDT is good for me!”

Industries have always influenced public health
when they could make profit.
Learning from history? Public Health disinfected people with DDT
[source: Daily Mail]

The officials did get it wrong in the past, remember?
“Most doctors smoke Camels”, including most outrageous ads like
“Give your throat a vacation”
In 2020, the influence of the pharmaceutical industry on politics, media and the health sector is obvious, when you follow the money.

CNN writes on 1 Sept 2020 about Past vaccine disasters
On April 12, 1955 the government announced the first vaccine to protect kids against polio. Within days, labs had made thousands of lots of the vaccine. Batches made by one company, Cutter Labs, accidentally contained live polio virus and it caused an outbreak.
More than 200,000 children got the polio vaccine, but within days the government had to abandon the program. Forty thousand kids got polio. Some had low levels, a couple hundred were left with paralysis, and about 10 died.

CNN continues: in 1976, scientists predicted a pandemic of a new strain of influenza called swine flu. More than 40 years later, some historians call it “flu epidemic that never was.” President Ford was basically told by his advisers, that “look, we have a pandemic flu coming called swine flu that may be as bad as Spanish flu.” Ford was being cajoled to put forward a vaccine that was hastily put together. The government launched the program in about seven months and 40 million people got vaccinated against swine flu, according to the CDC. That vaccination campaign was later linked to cases of a neurological disorder called Guillain-Barre syndrome. There were a few hundred cases of Guillain-Barre.

The definition of a pandemic was changed in 2008.
Until then, a pandemic was considered to be a disease that spread worldwide and which led to many serious illnesses and deaths. Suddenly, and for reasons never explained, it was supposed to be a worldwide disease only. Due to this change, the WHO, which is closely intertwined with the global pharmaceutical industry, was able to declare the swine flu pandemic in 2009.

The Swine Flu vaccines proved to be completely unnecessary. as it turned out to be a mild flu and never became the horrific plague that the pharmaceutical industry and its affiliated universities kept announcing it would turn into. These vaccines also led to serious health problems. About 700 children in Europe fell incurably ill with narcolepsy and are now forever severely disabled. [from “Crimes against humanity“]

In 2011 in a split decision in Bruesewitz v. Wyeth, the US Supreme Court majority ruled that vaccines are unavoidably unsafe” and effectively removed all liability from drug companies, even if there was evidence a drug company could have made a vaccine safer. [CNN]:

This is an invitation to QUESTION ‘our’ government.
Normally people question their government’s agendas.
Under the spell of FEAR, critical thinking seems to be deactivated

Link to this chapter above ‘Learning from Health History?’

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The Emperor’s New Clothes?

Illustration by Vilhelm Pedersen, Andersen’s first illustrator

This fairytale is so appropriate in today’s “strange times” –
text from Wikipedia – [bold added]

The Emperor’s New Clothes – the plot:
Two swindlers arrive at the capital city of an emperor who spends lavishly on clothing at the expense of state matters. Posing as weavers, they offer to supply him with magnificent clothes that are invisible to those who are stupid or incompetent.
The emperor hires them, and they set up looms and go to work.
A succession of officials, and then the emperor himself, visit them to check their progress. Each sees that the looms are empty but pretends otherwise to avoid being thought a fool.
Finally, the weavers report that the emperor’s suit is finished.
They mime dressing him and he sets off in a procession before the whole city. The townsfolk uncomfortably go along with the pretense, not wanting to appear inept or stupid, until a child blurts out that the emperor is wearing nothing at all.
The people then realize that everyone has been fooled.
Although startled, the emperor continues the procession, walking more proudly than ever.

 [“The Emperor’s New Clothes” is a literary folktale written by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, about a vain emperor]
Who are the swindlers today?

link to this chapter above ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes

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How Did We Get Into All This?
updated 29 January 2021

It is complicated. In times when people face existential threats (losing their health, work, or even their own life), government announcements “don’t make any sense” and conspiracy theories are abundant – and it is difficult to figure out what are news, fake or biased news, and what news we never hear about. Confusion and uncertainty spread and make it difficult to think clearly and to see the situation objectively.

Journalist Roberto Saviano, who has dedicated his career to exposing the Italian mafia, claims that Britain is the most corrupt country on Earth – not exactly a compliment…
90 per cent of the owners of capital in London have their headquarters offshore. Where there is a lot of money, there is also a lot of influence and lobbying.
The British government and politicians have frequently tried to hide misconduct, and were often caught serving their own interests rather than that of the people.

Just like the oil industry has been influencing science and media for years through financing research and studies, which unsurprisingly found that human energy consumption and pollution have no major influence in climate change, the pharmaceutical industry has and is using their influence in science, the media and in politics for their advantage.

Following the money explains a lot. Foundations and Trusts are used to avoid paying tax; funding universities and scientific research institutions avoids paying tax; advertising in newspapers and TV will be written off as expenses – internationally. Nothing new so far.

What seems to have happened:
our government – and others – were lured into wouldn’t it be good to be prepared for a possible deadly pandemic? On the 18th of October 2019 a pandemic tabletop exercise Event 201 simulating a “series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic.” was held in New York.
Of course it’s good to be prepared – so they adopted emergency procedures for the worst case scenario. And when the emergency procedures had been prepared, coronavirus-19 came. The government is influenced by media, corporate interests and corporate science with their agendas.
And some company made more profit than ever during lockdown,
first of all Amazon. From their point of view lockdown is brilliant.

Either the UK government was naive – or incompetent – or they might have had sinister plans, when they decided to pass the Coronavirus Bill in March. They choose to appoint biased scientific advisers on the SAGE committee (consisting of five independent, and 15 not independent members).

Insiders of the banking sector have predicted a crash of the global economies for 2020, as they are not sustainable any more. Might it be too far off to suspect that politicians feel tempted to use the virus as a culprit, and use their emergency legislation for the expected civil unrest after a financial crash?

The virus spread projections and deaths were scaringly high and massively exaggerated by scientists working for institutions or companies who always need research funds and grants. Dramatizing possible virus threats will result in money coming in. Scientists calling for no action, or suggesting to “let the virus run it’s course” are endangering their job and their research department’s budget. This may explain, why relatively few, mostly retired scientists oppose the official narrative.

Most of the main stream media are directly or indirectly influenced by advertisement revenue or somehow biased by being part of a big international profit orientated investors. For example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been funding the BBC nearly every year, last in 2019:

BBC Media Action2019Empower Women and GirlsGlobal Growth & Opportunity$2,034,790
Awarded grants by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
BBC Media Action2019Water, Sanitation and HygieneGlobal Growth & Opportunity$2,994,305
Awarded grants by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

The Guardian received $5,686,494 in 2011, $550,000 in 2016, $2,893,865 in 2017 and $150,000 in 2018 from the B&M Gates Foundation. No articles criticising vaccine safety were published in the last 10 years.

Here is an in-depth analysis by the OFF-Guardian:
COVID19: The Big Pharma players behind UK Government lockdown

Here is a detailed investigative film about corporate influence in politics, science, media & medicine from 18 August 2020: “INDOCTORNATION”:

And here is a documentary showing “the bigger picture”, what’s going on at the moment apart from covid-19 – recommended watching:
wake-up-call-what-is-happening – January 2021

Link to this chapter above ‘How Did We Get Into All This?’

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Independent Critics & Questions

There are many critical voices disputing the lockdown, the emergency legislation and the covid-19 procedures imposed by officials (some are quoted on this web site above); they are often retired (without fear of losing their job) or work independently.
In the UK government’s advisory group SAGE only five out of 20 members are independent; what advice can we expect?
WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE Open letter to the UK government, governments of the world and the citizens of the world

12 Experts Questioning the Coronavirus Panic
640 Doctors Claim that “COVID-19 is a Global Scam” (now over 1000 doctors, scientists and lawyers by – Videos in English
Open Letter by 394 Belgian Medical Doctors and 1,340 medically trained health professionals addressed to their civil authorities and media about the Covid-19 outbreak. “there is no medical justification for any emergency policy anymore.”
The Great Barrington” (from 4 Oct), signed by 8,795 Medical & Public Health Scientists,
22,290 Medical Practitioners and 388,335 general public (by 12 Oct).

UK: BBC reports: Coronavirus: Health experts join global anti-lockdown movement (7 Oct)
Sixty-six GPs, including TV doctors Dr Phil Hammond and Dr Rosemary Leonard and a number of medics who have held senior roles at the British Medical Association, have written to the health secretary, saying there is insufficient emphasis on “non-Covid harms” in the decision-making.”.

This 23 page long letter including statistics and details was published
in the MailOnline (22Sept.) – AUTHORS:
Professor Sunetra Gupta (Oxford), Professor Carl Heneghan (Oxford)
Professor Karol Sikora (U. of Buckingham) & Sam Williams (Economic Insight)
Professor Louise Allan (Exeter), Professor Francois Balloux (UCL)
Professor Sucharit Bhakdi (JG University of Main), Dr Julii Brainard (U. of East Anglia),
Professor Anthony Brookes (Leicester), Professor Nick Colegrave (Edinburgh),
Dr Ron Daniels (UK Sepsis Trust), Professor Robert Dingwall (Nottingham Trent),
Professor Fionn Dunne (Imperial Coll.), Professor Kim Fox (Imperial Coll.),
Professor Anthony Glass (Sheffield), Dr Andy Gaya (Consultant oncologist),
Dr Peter Grove (Former Dept Health), Professor Matt Hickman (Bristol),
Professor Elizabeth Hughes (Leeds), Dr Tom Jefferson (Oxford),
Professor Syma Khalid (Southampton), Professor David Miles (Imperial Coll.),
Professor Paul Ormerod (UCL), Professor Andrew Oswald (Warwick),
Professor David Paton (Nottingham), Professor Hugh Pennington (Aberdeen),
Professor Barbara Pierscionek (Staffordshire), Professor Eve Roman (York),
Professor Justin Stebbing (Imperial), Professor Ellen Townsend (Nottingham),
Steve Westaby (Retired heart surgeon), Professor Simon Wood (Edinburgh)

Powerful editorial in the British Medical Journal Fri 13 Nov, by Kamran Abbasi, executive editor:
“Science is being suppressed for political and financial gain. Covid-19 has unleashed state corruption on a grand scale, and it is harmful to public health. Politicians and industry are responsible for this opportunistic embezzlement. So too are scientists and health experts. The pandemic has revealed how the medical-political complex can be manipulated in an emergency—a time when it is even more important to safeguard science…..”
Politicians and governments are suppressing science. They do so in the public interest, they say, to accelerate availability of diagnostics and treatments. They do so to support innovation, to bring products to market at unprecedented speed. Both of these reasons are partly plausible; the greatest deceptions are founded in a grain of truth. But the underlying behaviour is troubling…”
“The UK’s pandemic response relies too heavily on scientists and other government appointees with worrying competing interests, including shareholdings in companies that manufacture covid-19 diagnostic tests, treatments, and vaccines. Government appointees are able to ignore or cherry pick science—another form of misuse—and indulge in anti-competitive practices that favour their own products and those of friends and associates…”
“When good science is suppressed, people die.”

MORE critical voices are listed in the LINKS below

Lots of questions remain – like:

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Links to the chapters above:

Legal UpdateWhy did we want to stop the virus?Coronaviruses are seasonalDeadly ventilatorsLockdown LonelinessLockdown Deaths“False Alarm” (German Interior Ministry Report)PCR TestsR NumberFacemasksContact Track & TraceSaving the NHS?Media and biasThe Spanish FluPolitics of FearHydroxychloroquine Study to failChildren and covid-19Covid-19 deaths and statisticsPreventing infections?What about the Covid Vaccine?Pandemic reactions out of proportionBrave New Normal?Learning from health history?The Emperor’s New ClothesHow did we get into all this?Independent CriticsLINKS below

Previous article:

Evidence Coronavirus Lockdown Was Not Necessary?

cover photo evidence

Next articles:

We need to focus on the immune system in the next virus season

Open Letter To Your Council Opposing Lockdown

What can I do?

Can The Law Save Us From Covid Politics?

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Updated News pages:

Covid – Adapt, Don’t Fight Campaign
Alliance for Natural Health

‘Collateral Global’ global repository for research into collateral effects of the covid-19 lockdown measures

WORLD DOCTORS ALLIANCE Open letter to governments and citizens of the world

CoviLeaks response to media propaganda and government misinformation re. COVID-19 ‘pandemic’

Government Innumeracy
VERY good analysis of mistakes

Facts about Covid-19 in 25 languages

The COVID-19 Extra-Parliamentary Inquiry Committee
“What’s Below The Surface” (news, opinion, showing media manipulation)

The independent (former Guardian commentators) Coronavirus related resource page
videos & articles

Children’s Health Defense Europe


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